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Q&A: Buildings at the new OUH

What are the buildings being constructed next to the new OUH, as seen from both Aksen and Forten at SUND? Get the answer here.

By SUND Kommunikation, , 5/8/2024

From Aksen at SUND, one can see

Bygningen til den kommende kræftrådgivning i Odense ved siden af det nye OUH er markeret på et dronefoto

The Danish Cancer Society's new cancer counselling centre

The new cancer counselling centre by the Danish Cancer Society is located close to the cancer treatment facilities at the new OUH, ensuring that cancer patients and their families have easy access to advice and support during the challenging times of cancer treatment.

The hospital's 'Clinic for Cancer After-effects' and 'Palliative Team Fyn' will also move into the upcoming cancer counselling centre. Additionally, the hospital's exercise programme 'Body and Cancer' for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy will be available here.

The upcoming cancer counselling centre is constructed following the principles of healing architecture, and the design is inspired by the classic three-winged farm.

With its 1400 m², it will be the largest of the Danish Cancer Society's cancer counselling centres. 

Kræftens Bekæmpelses nye kræftrådgivning

From Forten at SUND, one can see:

Bygningen til det kommende Ronald McDonald-hus i Odense ved siden af det nye OUH er markeret på et dronefoto

Ronald McDonald BørneFondens new Ronald McDonald House

A Ronald McDonald House is a temporary home away from home, without the hospital atmosphere, but with a safe environment where families can stay for as long as their child is hospitalised. Families can be together and focus on being a family.

The Ronald McDonald House in Odense will be 1,622 m² and accommodate 15 families.

In addition to 15 furnished rooms ranging from 20 to 30 m², plus an entrance and a private bathroom, the house will also have a large communal kitchen, several lounges, a playroom, TV rooms, and a laundry room.

The house is designed to focus on community, safety, tranquility, and nature.

Ronald McDonald BørnFonds nye Ronald McDonald Hus i Odense

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Editing was completed: 08.05.2024