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Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics

Information for guests in the Grand Office

Welcome to the Grand Office!

We have 3 offices with eight workstations each.

If you are here on a daily basis (≥ 2 days a week), you will be assigned your personal workspace. If not, you may use any of the available stations.

You will need a key card to access the office (this should be obtained from the secretariat via your host from the department).

Grand Office Customs

We try to have a simple and quiet work environment with room to ask colleagues questions. Longer conversations and virtual meetings should be held in one of our two meeting rooms.

There is a refrigerator and coffee machine available in the office.

New PhD students are assigned a Buddy by the research leader of the unit. General information in the IOB Employee Handbook.

Daily routines

12.00-12.30 lunch in Meeting room 1 (see maps below).
There is a canteen down the main corridor -  find your way to the canteen (Food Hall/canteen 4) and canteen opening hours

Maps - overview of the department/office

Overview of the department and entrances near the department.


Center for Muscle and Joint Health, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics

Last Updated 19.10.2023