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Seminar Symposium Kursus

22.04.2024   at 09:00 - 12:30

New skills development for researchers with Climate-relevant interdisciplinary interests.

SDU Climate Cluster is testing a new approach to support researchers with Climate-relevant research interests in enhancing their success with European funding. On the 22nd of April, Sean McCarthy, one of Europe’s most well-known experts on the topic, will hold a half-day workshop tailored to those with climate-relevant and interdisciplinary research interests. The goal is to take some of the confusion and overwhelm out of the process, teaching straightforward skills for engaging the European funding system, either as a project coordinator or partner.“

Many researchers are not making as much of European funding opportunities as they could be. Some of this is likely based on negative past experiences which were administratively overwhelming, and for others it’s simply very new and unknown territory. We hope that with some practical support, skills development and a coordinated process towards the EC’s 2024 calls that we might be able to help a few more partnerships to successfully get the funds needed for their projects” says Lucy Rist, responsible for research development at SDU Climate Cluster.

The workshop is a joint effort with the research support teams across all faculties being involved as well as SDU RIO. It is open to all SDU staff.
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