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Annual University Celebration

2024 Research Dissemination Prize

The 2024 Research Dissemination Award goes to Peter Bro from the Centre of Journalism.

The award is given for Peter’s role in the ‘Future Education’ project (2019–2023), which has had a major national impact. In the project, Peter and a number of employees at the journalism programmes at SDU disseminated their research in the form of so-called nanomodules (short digital elements) that are available anytime, anywhere and to anyone.

This particular form of communication led to other initiatives, for instance, ‘A gift for the people: Learn to place the comma’, which Peter also conceived. The gift for the people consists of more than 200 nanomodules, and more than 20,000 Danes have completed the course. The course is used today in many education programmes, businesses, etc.

Peter also contributes in other ways to improving his colleagues’ opportunities to disseminate their research. He does this through his work as a board member on several editorial boards (including Journalism Studies) and on several different boards where research and communication are essential, including Dagbladet Information, Fondet for Dansk-Norsk Samarbejde (the Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Co-Operation) and the University Press of Southern Denmark.

Peter Bro

Last Updated 24.10.2024