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Evaluation strategy

The evaluation is carried out orally or in writing. The lecturer is responsible for carrying out the evaluation.

All offered subjects are evaluated mid-term.

All offered subjects are evaluated at the end of the course. An overview of the questions in the evaluations can be found further down the page.
No. Statement
Purpose: The purpose of the subject and what I am expected to learn were made clear to me at an early stage of the teaching
Link: There is a clear link between the purpose of the subject, the content of the teaching and the exam
Understanding: I have gained a greater understanding of the subject’s themes and topics through the teaching (incl. independent preparation, work in study groups etc.)
Activity: The teaching has supported me in actively learning (e.g. through discussions, exercises, group work and independent preparation)
Activity: How many teaching sessions have you attended? [1: None, 2: Less than half, 3: About half, 4: More than half, 5: All teaching sessions]
Activity: How many hours have you spent working on/preparing for this subject? [free text field]
Cooperation and dialogue: The cooperation and dialogue between students and lecturers was good.
Scoring scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree, 6 = undecided/irrelevant

The Study Board processes the results of the evaluations twice a year, cf. the annual cycle, and in connection with the status meetings for the Educational Report.

The results of the evaluations are published via the reporting form for the evaluation of education programmes.

The Study Board’s evaluation strategy is discussed at least once a year, cf. the annual cycle.

SN will ask the Heads of Studies to encourage lecturers to introduce the students to the importance of the evaluations – and to allocate time in class to complete them. In addition, lecturers can send reminders if the response rate is low.
After each evaluation process is completed, the Study Board will make its report on the evaluations available to the students.

Last Updated 12.04.2021