Keep yourself updated on the latest news on education at SDU - write to if you have any questions or input
News on education and edcuational administration at SDU
About Syddansk Elite
A helping hand for elite sports students
Translation pending
2024: Sit back and let the numbers sink in
We could not have achieved this without a joint effort.
About education quality
E-learning course about the quality system
The introduction to elected members of councils, boards and committees must be updated after a new policy and follow-up process for educational quality has been adopted.
About recruitment
Bring your family and friends to Open Day
Get an insight into SDU’s education programmes
About staff mobility
Exchange for academic and administrative staff through UArctic
North2north call for staff mobility
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter December 2024 - about TAL2024 - supervision
About admissions
Let’s repeat the success
The recruitment of 250 student assistants is underway!
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter November 2024 - about generative AI in Teaching
About well-being
Thriving Together - Shine like a star!
Can you do that...
About contact options
Christmas holiday
Student enquiries at faculty and joint administrative units
About study life
What’s the situation with student service dogs?
How we do it at SDU
About education quality policy
New follow-up processes for education programme quality
Holistic assessment replaces the observation checklist; objectives replace action plans
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter October 2024 - about including all students – teaching students with neurodiversities
About well-being
Thriving Together is back
Help create well-being at SDU
About study life
Counselling-to-go: The counselling podcast is back in the students’ ears
A new season of the counselling podcast Studielivet has just been launched. Read more about what Studielivet is and how you can benefit from it right here.
About education quality policy
New education quality policy on the way
From quality control to quality culture
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter September 2024 - about pedagogical development
About opening times
The Admissions Office (BA) changes its opening times
The amendment applies from 30 September 2024 to 10 January 2025 (incl. both days)
About Study Start
Welcome to our new international students
About admissions, study start and more
About Syddansk Elite
Syddansk Elite – a win/win scheme for students and staff
... and the application deadline is approaching
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter August 2024 - teaching evaluation
About student life
Student Activity Support Pool: A new opportunity to enhance well-being and the study environment
From inspiring speech to reality
About Study Start
Worth knowing about Study Start
New students can find Study Start information here
About rules
New rules for cancellation of course registration allow students to better organise their course of study
From 1 September, students can register and cancel registration for course elements during what used to be the exchange period.
About "Nyt SIS"
Information meeting in July
About student life
Now you can meet SDU’s students in a festive setting
Volunteer at the 2024 Start of Semester Party
About the use of generative AI
Rules for the use of generative AI in examinations updated
The academic environments should be aware of any need to change course descriptions - including for spring 2025
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter June 2024 - about how to make EPICUR work for you
About quality policy
Massive interest in responding to consultation on education quality policies
Here are some insights into the feedback
About SDU Takeover
Visits change young people's perceptions of SDU
Status of SDU Takeover
About study administration
Opening hours during summer break
Student enquiries at faculty and joint administrative units
About competency development
Academic and administrative staff abroad
Should the next step in your competence development take place abroad?
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter May 2024 - about competence development and genAI
About quality policy
This is it: You, colleagues and students have until 10 June to comment on the proposal for a new policy for education quality
This is a matter of nothing less than the foundation for SDU's programmes and the foundation for your work
About daily life
Five success stories from SDU’s daily life
We can look forward to talented students and good collaborations
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
About supervision and feedback
About education programmes
SDU to offer new education programmes
The Minister for Higher Education and Science has approved new education programme offers
About SU grant
State education grant (SU) study activity inspection
The state education grant’s (SU) study activity inspection can give rise to enquiries in many areas within the study organisation.
About recruitment
One year with Online Open Day: how it has gone
Online offer for potential international SDU students
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter March 2024 - Attendance in teaching
About quality policy
A proposal for a new quality policy takes shape
Get a sneak peek at some of the proposed changes
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About SDU UP
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter February 2024 - the Field of AI and the Pedagogical Opportunities and Challenges
About recruitment
Ready, set... enrol!
What applies in 2024?
About rules
Green light for changing certain study progress rules
SDU is not facing challenges with average study completion times
About The Council for Education
Where education and strategy meet
Cases that reach the Council for Education are often the culmination of complex cases
About staff mobility
Exchange for academic and administrative staff through UArctic
North2north call for staff mobility
About Syddansk Elite
Surprise and elation about one result in particular
Elite sports students choose SDU
About recruitment
Open Day at SDU
Here is an overview of Open Days activities in 2024
About group work in teaching
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter December 2023 - Group work in teaching
About education programmes
New education programmes for SDU
The Minister for Higher Education and Science has approved new education programme offers
About admission
Vacant student places on Master’s degree programmes
Allocation is first come, first served
About admission
The test is 100% digital
uniTEST 2024 – SDU's admission in quota 2
About study administration
StrikePlagiarism replaces Ouriginal
New plagiarism checking system
About study administration
Christmas holiday
Student enquiries at faculty and joint administrative units
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter November 2023 - Teaching culture
About well-being
Well-being in focus – read about the first well-being event
Have you thought about how the Coronavirus disease, study start or communication affects your well-being? The 50 participants at the ‘Wise about Well-being’ event have!
First dialogue meetings about the quality system
How does the organisation view the current quality system for education? Since August, dialogue meetings have been conducted with heads of programmes and administrative staff. Here’s a little about what we learned.
University Taster Courses: A record number of students sign up
Read about how this year's University Taster Courses went
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter October 2023 - First year pedagogy
About well-being
Well-being – a joint effort
Students and staff are invited to participate in this year’s well-being event October 31
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About timetable and common events
Do you work with scheduling?
Have you heard of Institutdysten (Battle of the Departments), Slotskampen or The Students’ Day?
About Student Services in the campusses
Student Services in the campusses out of office on business
The departments will not be available on 5 October
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter September 2023 - Project generative AI in the field of education at SDU
About the use of artificial intelligence
The use of artificial intelligence
New common rules have been published – applicable in E23 and V23/24
About further and continuing education
Changed telephone times
Further and continuing education
About admission
Telephone hours between 2 October and 14 January
BA Admissions is changing telephone hours
About SPS
SDU’s own reading specialists provide support
SDU's own reading specialists now also provide support in Esbjerg, Kolding and Sønderborg
About Syddansk Elite
Tips for your next meeting with an elite sports student
How we do it at SDU
About students
Are you aware of changes in the student population?
Activity on all campuses
About quality assurance
Review project off to a good start
SDU’s quality system is to be revised. Is it important for you? Or is it a bit like being told that the canteen will be getting new curtains in 2026?
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDU UP
Newsletter August 2023
About summer school
Two enriching weeks for all involved
How the SDU International Summer School went
About study start
International study start
How new students are prepared for life and studying in Denmark
About quality assurance
The fruits of experience exchange
For SAK KVAL, the exchange of experience is an investment that benefits the entire organisation
About admission and study start
New students and new study programmes
Good to know before study start
About choosing study programmes
DIVA gets a makeover
An improved version has been launched
About study administration
New ministerial orders
A number of new ministerial orders have come into force
About admission
Earlier offers
Places on master’s degree programmes
About study administration
Summer break
Student enquiries at faculty and joint administrative units
About teaching and learning
SDU has become member of EdTech Denmark
Know-how for everyone
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
Newsletter June 2023
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About study administration
Mobile phones during supervised exams
New common rules have been published
About study administration
Ruling or administrative decision?
The signpost tree assists the case manager with making an assessment
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
Newsletter May 2023
About SPS
Great news
Support for students with dyslexia
About programmes
How does this affect students?
Discontinuation of programmes
About admission
uniTEST has been held
uniTEST has once again been conducted physically at SDU
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
Newsletter April 2023
About rules
How does artificial intelligence fit in with our learning methods?
At SDU, we will re-examine the regulations for our students
About "Nyt SIS"
Newsletter from SIS-program
About SU Takeover
An outstanding first year
SDU Takeover is looking for more student teachers
About SU grant
State education grant (SU) study activity inspection
The state education grant’s (SU) study activity inspection can give rise to enquiries in many areas within the study organisation.
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
Newsletter March 2023
About schedule
Do you also need an overview?
Individualised schedule viewing with Skemaplan
About Campus Slagelse
Campus Slagelse: Questions from students
FAQ is being prepared
About recruitment
A new offer has been launched
Online Open House for potential international students
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
Newsletter February 2023
About Syddansk Elite
Tips for your next meeting with an elite sports student
How we do it at SDU
About admission
Worth knowing about this year’s admission
Agreements on standby places and uniTEST
About New SIS
Finding the replacement for STADS
Better IT support and optimised processes to benefit students and employees
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP
January 2023
About recruitment
Bring your family and friends to Open Day
Get an insight into SDU’s education programmes
About education programmes
SDU to offer new education programmes
The Minister for Higher Education and Science has approved new education offerings
About staff mobility
Exchange for academic and administrative staff through UArctic
North2north call for staff mobility
About rules
Students' use of chatbots
The use of chatbots in connection with exams and teaching activities is not allowed
About rules
New guidelines about COVID-19
Change in documentation requirements
About rules
New classification: The grade and grade point average of individuals are classified as confidential information
This is the result of interdisciplinary discussions based on different practices
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP: Development of teachers’ digital competences
Read about SDUUP’s experiences over recent years with arranging so-called learning circles locally and cross-institutionally, in collaboration with UCN and UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole.
About study programmes
Process for prequalification work at SDU
Upcoming revision
About SU
Status of SU study activity autumn 2022
Key facts about SU and the study activity check
About recruitment
More young people participated in SDU’s University Taster Courses
How it went at SDU with an example from SDU Esbjerg
About rules
Letter of guidance about disability
How SDU ensures management
About study programmes
Prequalification of study programmes
Applications in progress
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP: Eduflow and Peer feedback
Read about how the learning platform Eduflow will give you an easy start with Peer feedback.
Exceptionally closed
SDU International out of office on business
The department will not be available on 11 October.
About rules
New ministerial orders
They have now come into force
About administration
Elective/minor subject (bachelor): The handling of tasks is moving
From 15 October 2022, Admission & Educational Support is taking over
About SU
SU study activity control
SU study activity control can generate enquiries in many places within the educational organisation
Exceptionally closed
Student Services in the campusses out of office on business
The departments will not be available on 27 september.
About SU
Rules for maternity allowance
From 1 August, new rules have come into effect.
Exceptionally closed
Educational Law & Registration attending seminar
The department will not be available on 22 september.
About internationalisation
Welcome to our new international students
About admissions, starting your studies and more
About teaching and learning
Newsletter from SDUUP September 2022
The underlying principle of education at SDU
About recruitment
SDU Takeover
The creation of a new major joint recruitment effort across SDU
About teaching and learning
Development opportunities for teaching and learning environments at SDU
Denmark’s Study Survey 2021
Opening times
The Admissions Office (BA) changes its opening times
The amendment applies from 1 October 2022 to 15 January 2023
About study start
Who, what, where
Study start at SDU
About internationalisation
This year’s top scorer is Italy
How the SDU International Summer School went
Exceptionally closed
Admission & Educational Support attending seminar
The department will not be available on 25 and 26 August.
About recruitment
SDU’s Open Day in 2023
Here are the decisions about how SDU will hold Open Day
About teaching and learning
Find inspiration for activating teaching and active learning
Take part in the TAL2022 conference at SDU Odense, 8 November
About admissions
How SDU is contributing to the Government’s proposal
The Council for Education’s work on a new admission system
About study administration
Greater focus on current issues and strategic discussions
The Council for Education has completed its evaluation
About admissions
75 fewer than last year have declined
Status on graduate admissions 2022
About admissions
Status of new programmes at SDU
Here is what SDU has gained approval for in this round
About study administration
Favourable conditions for elite athletes
Students need accommodation and flexibility
About internationalisation
The Council for Education appoints EPICUR working party
Development of teaching activities
About supervision
Studielivet’s birthday is coming up and offers summer holiday entertainment
The popular podcast helps to start conversations, including about difficult matters
About admissions
Vacant study places on Master’s degree programmes
Allocation is first come, first served
About admissions
Description of admission and language requirements in graduate programme regulations
Change in programme regulations are under way
Nyt om regler
Ny karakterbekendtgørelse
Ny bekendtgørelse om karakterskala træder i kraft 1. september
About study administration
Learning from cross-faculty talent programmes
Here are the considerations for future interdisciplinary work and talent development
About supervision
Do you know about SDU’s supervisor network?
The network gives rise to reflection on guidance practices and contributes to a common understanding
Nyt om regler
Ny censorbekendtgørelse
Helt ny bekendtgørelse om regler og krav til censorer træder i kraft 1. september
About study administration
Tips on planning digitally supported teaching
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s (MHES) definition of digitally supported teaching has raised a number of questions
Nyt om regler
Ændring af SU-loven
Midlertidig suspension af SU-godkendelse af hele uddannelser i visse lande
Om optagelse
uniTEST 2022: Rejsen er godt afsluttet
Et særdeles vellykket uniTEST forløb blev afsluttet op til påske med ca. 5.250 gennemførte tests - i en Zoom opsætning, hvis sidestykke ikke er set før!
Om optagelse
uniTEST 2022: Rejsen er godt begyndt – med et helt vidunderligt vagtkorps af SDU-studerende
Den 28. marts lød startskuddet til årets afvikling af uniTEST i kvote 2!
Om uddannelsesadministration
SU-Studieaktivitetskontrol kan afføde forespørgsler mange steder i uddannelsesorganisationen.
Om optagelse
Optagelse af ukrainske og russiske studerende
Håndtering af henvendelser om at læse på SDU
Om uddannelsesadministration
Studie- og trivselsvejledningen er fysisk til stede på alle campusser
Welcome to a new universe for everyone who contributes to SDU’s ability to deliver education
SDU Student Services launches new service page about teaching and exams and moves the Student Services’ newsletter to a new platform.
Om uddannelsesadministration
Det skal du vide om
DCUM (Dansk Center for Undervisningsmiljø) har som følge af regeringens initiativer for studerende med funktionsnedsættelser, netop lanceret planlægningsværktøjet
Nyt om regler
Ny eksamensbekendtgørelse
Ny bekendtgørelse træder i kraft
Nyt om regler
Nye adgangsbekendtgørelser
Nye bekendtgørelser træder i kraft
Om uddannelsesadministration
Ikke alle afgørelser bunder i loven
Hvem afgør egentlig, om en studerende må komme ind til en stedprøve, hvis vedkommende er mødt op for sent?
News from SDU and from SDU Analytics
Do you want to be a climate ambassador at SDU?
Would you like to help create change at SDU and contribute to reducing the university's climate and environmental impact?
The Reflection Room in Odense
Temporary Closure of the Reflection Room in Odense
The reflection room is temporarily closed until September 1, 2025.
Adjustment of rules for spam and quarantine emails
SDU IT has adjusted the rules for when emails go to spam and quarantine, and increased automatic communication about emails in quarantine
Agreement with new canteen partner
The Central Canteen opens on campus in Odense
On Monday 27 January at 8.45am, the doors will open to the brand new The Central Canteen on campus in Odense.
Salary Negotiations 2025
Annual Salary Negotiations 2025
The year 2025 has begun, which means that the annual salary negotiations are starting once again.
New national PhD academy is an investment in future research talents
The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) has received a grant of DKK 500 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to establish a national PhD academy focusing on talent development and researcher education. The academy will be located at SDU, and the activities are for PhD students broadly within the Danish university sector.
Agreement with new canteen partner
Sustainable cups at SDU in Odense from 20 January
From 20 January 2025, the cafés at SDU in Odense will start using the sustainable return system Vytal. It's a system that makes it easy for students and staff to enjoy coffee and other drinks in an environmentally friendly way.
OK 24
News about the OK24 Agreements in the State Sector
During the spring of 2024, the OK24 negotiations in the state sector were in full swing. Here is an overview of the changes that have now come into effect.
Master’s Degree Reform
SDU’s new master’s degree landscape in 2028
As part of the implementation of the Master’s Degree Reform, SDU’s Executive Board has approved which master’s degree programmes the University is to restructure towards the start of studies in 2028.
Competence Development
Get Funding for Your Competence Development
From January 14th at 10:00 AM, you can apply for funds from the State Competence Fund's pools.
SDU IT is the new joint unit for it and Digitalisation
With the turn of the year, the university says goodbye to SDU Digital and the old SDU IT and welcomes the new SDU IT.
Agreement with new canteen partner
New canteen supplier in January
– what opens when on campus in Odense?
Study Administration
People first – Vision for SDU’s Study Administration
In October, the Rectorate and the Deputy Director of Studies announced that a dialogue would be initiated with the management and collegiate bodies on the further work on Carve’s recommendations for the future study administration.
New policy
SDU’s Open Science policy has been revised – what does this mean for you?
SDU has been working to implement Open Science at the University for a long time, and today 80 per cent of the research publications are open access. Now, a revised Open Science policy sets new goals for the further work.
Educational quality
New educational quality policy from January
At the beginning of the New Year, we will change the way we develop and ensure the educational quality at SDU. The Executive Board has adopted new goals and how they are to be followed up. The focus will be on development and results instead of on controlling initiatives.
MedTech Odense
Five tips for the medtech partnership
Get the latest news from Søren E. Frandsen, Head of SDU RIO and the new MedTech Odense – a partnership comprising SDU, the Region of Southern Denmark at OUH and Odense Municipality.
New climate plan in 2025–2027
SDU will continue its targeted efforts to reduce the University’s greenhouse gas emissions. SDU’s management has therefore approved a more ambitious climate plan (2.0) for the period 2025–2027, which will replace SDU’s previous climate plan (1.0) for the period 2022–2024.
Opening hours during Christmas
2024 Christmas holiday notifications from the Central Administration
The Christmas period entails changed services in SDU's joint administration. Get the overview here.
Obituary for Henrik Johnsen Vindt
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our colleague Henrik Johnsen Vindt on December 5th, 2024.
Agreement with new canteen partner
New canteen partner brings new initiatives to Odense campus
SDU has entered into an agreement with Jespers Torvekøkken, which will take over responsibility for canteen and café operations in Odense from 1 January 2025.
New flagship centre at SDU and OUH
The Centre for Integrated Multi-Omics in Precision Medicine (CIMP) has received the academic seal of approval from SDU and OUH as the new research flagship across the two institutions.
We Go Green
We Go Green - the winners are announced
We Go Green 2024 was a record year. Almost twice as many people participated in the campaign in 2024 as in 2023.
Working time
Registration of working hours
The purpose of time registration is to comply with the law and – perhaps more importantly – to ensure a good and attractive working environment at SDU
New mandatory rules for the procurement of goods and services
New principles from SDU's management make sustainable choices a part of everyday life for all employees and are our common tool for achieving SDU's climate goals.
SDU gets two new master's degree programmes
The University of Southern Denmark has received the green light from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to offer two new master's degree programmes. Both will be offered at SDU's campus in Sønderborg.
Apply for Funding to Develop EPICUR Learning Elements
It is now possible to apply for funding to develop and implement learning elements within the framework of the EPICUR alliance.
Workplace Assessment (APV) and Well-Being Survey 2024
Fewer employees have experienced stress or offensive behaviour
The results from this year’s APV and Well-Being Survey are ready, and they show positive trends but also point to challenges that we must continue to address.
Did you fall into the phishing trap?
SDU IT and Digital are taking stock after the autumn 2024 phishing campaign in which an email in the SDU inbox tried to lure login information out of employees through a QR code for updating their employee card.
Generative IA
New page about generative AI on SDUnet
AI is developing rapidly and has the potential to positively support SDU’s development. As an employee, you can be even better at your job in a digital day-to-day with AI, but it requires a solid understanding of the new technology.
Agreement with new canteen partner
SDU has signed an agreement with new canteen partner
Following the expiry of SDU’s contract with the Compass Group – our current canteen supplier – Jespers Torvekøkken will take over canteen and café operations at SDU in Odense from 1 January.
SDU elections 2024
Today is election day at SDU
From today, Monday d. 25 November at 9 am and until Thursday d. 28 November at 3 pm you can vote for the SDU elections.
Take advantage of SDU’s offerings for employees with dyslexia
Read about SDU’s support and resources to improve reading and writing skills, and sign up for our information meeting on December 16, 2024.
Master's reform at SDU
Final Report from the Master's Degree Committee
The Master's Degree Committee has published its final report, outlining the framework for implementing the 2023 master's degree reform – one of the most comprehensive reforms of university education in recent history.
The Holiday Foundation
Opening for Bookings for 2025
The new season for 2025 will open for bookings on 15 November 2024.
SDU Vejle
Vejle becomes a university city: SDU is establishing a campus focusing on IT and STEM programmes
The ambitions have been present since 2021 and now they are becoming a reality. The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) can now announce its historic decision to establish a new campus in Vejle, dedicated to IT and STEM education, with support from the LEGO Group and Vejle Municipality.
MedTech Odense
MedTech partnership unites research and technology to shape the future of patient care
A new strategic partnership between the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the Region of Southern Denmark and Odense Municipality will provide the framework for future technological healthcare solutions for patients throughout Denmark.
SDU Odense
We’re travelling green 2024
Departments and offices at SDU Odense are invited to participate in Odense Municipality’s annual campaign focusing on green and active transport habits at workplaces in Odense. SDU is one of the nine founding members of the Odense Climate Partnership, so all interested parties are invited to participate.
Study Administration
Next Step in the Transformation of SDU's Study Administration
SDU is now taking a further step in the transformation of its study administration.
APV 2024
Information about the Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey 2024
An introductory question about nationality has been removed from the Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey.
Working time
News about working time registration at SDU
The pilot project for selected TAPs at TEK and SDU HR started on October 7 and is expected to end mid-November. After the pilot project, it is expected that the rest of the target group (except TAP who register flex time in Buanco) will be able to register in mTIME - see target group below.
SDU elections 2024
This year’s SDU elections will be held on 25–28 November
This year, the elections will include choosing TAP representatives to the University Council and student representatives to SDU’s Board. All staff and students can run for election and have a direct impact!
New education quality policy
New education quality policy on the way
From quality control to quality culture
APV 2024
The Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey 2024 starts now
On 8 October, employees covered by the collective workplace assessment and well-being survey will receive an email from Ramboll with a link to SDU’s Workplace Assessment and Well-Being Survey 2024.
Phishing campaign
SDU conducts another phishing campaign
Once again, it is time again to test our ability to spot fraudulent emails.
APV 2024
SDU's Workplace Assessment and Well-being Survey 2024 is approaching
Who is better suited to assess the working environment than the employees themselves?
Copenhagen and Odense
Price adjustments in the canteen in Odense and Copenhagen
According to the contract with SDU, the annual price adjustment will take place from Monday 16 September 2024.
Competence fund
Applications about to open for skills development funding
On Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 10:00 am, new funds will be added to the State Competence Fund pools and applications will be open. You can write your application now, provided that your manager does not approve your application in the system until your pool is open.
Working time
Holiday requests
It is now time to start planning and announcing leave in the holiday year 2024/2025, where holiday must be taken during the period from 1 September 2024 to 31 December 2025 (the holiday entitlement period).
Working time
Working time registration
SDU is working together with the other universities to determine the framework for recording working hours.
Car parks
Closure of car parks
Car parks will be closed in connection with the Semester Start Party. Are you travelling to SDU Odense by car? Then you’ll probably need to spend a little extra time parking over the next few weeks.
Great interest in SDU’s programmes
Preliminary figures show a high level of interest in applying to SDU’s offered programmes.
SDU’s Climate Plan 2.0 on the way
The Board has set the level of ambition in a new climate plan, and the Rectorate is now initiating the process of preparing a replacement for the current plan, which expires at the end of the year. A draft climate plan 2025–2027 with concrete initiatives will be discussed at the board meeting in December.
SDU must take a curious, bold and critical approach to generative AI
The potentials are great and the challenges considerable in the work of disseminating generative AI at SDU. Below, University Director Thomas Buchvald Vind gives us his and the Rectorate’s take on how the University can grasp the potentials and address the challenges.
News about registration of working hours from 1 July 2024
The rules require employers to introduce a working time registration system that makes it possible to measure the daily working time for the individual employee. Over the summer, SDU will clarify how the new rules are to be implemented in the organisation.
Holiday closings
Summer holiday closings in the Central Administration
Several departments in the Central Administration are either closed or have reduced staffing during the summer holidays. Extended response times should therefore be expected when contacting the individual units. For Technical Services, there are a number of practical changes regarding operations.
SDU IT wish you a safe and enjoyable summer
Dear colleague, The summer holidays are approaching fast and as you may be planning to travel abroad during the holiday period, we would like to remind you of the importance of safe digital behaviour, especially when using your SDU computer. We want to ensure that your data and personal information remain protected wherever you are.
About quality policy
Massive interest in responding to consultation on education quality policies
Here are some insights into the feedback
Background check of prospective employees
According to the URIS guidelines, SDU and the other Danish universities are obliged to have procedures in place for carrying out screenings and thorough background checks on people who have applied for a position at the university.
Organisational change
From Student Services to SDU Education
During the spring of 2024, Student Services has undergone an organisational change that will support greater academic cohesion and ensure the right foundation for its work with SDU’s strategic priorities.
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose becomes Dean of SAMF
After acting in the position as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences since 10 April, Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose has been confirmed in the post.
Project supplement
Introduction to the project supplement
Universities Denmark and six private research funding foundations are now ready with a guide to the introduction of project supplements in grants for financing the universities’ expenses in research projects.
Climate Thursdays
Climate Thursdays 2024
Climate Thursdays are a series of online lectures – free of charge.
Elections for the Occupational Health and Safety Organisation
Elections for the Occupational Health and Safety Organisation at SDU
Following the implementation of a new local agreement regarding the organisation of occupational health and safety work at SDU, elections are now being called for the occupational health and safety organisation.
Contribute to creating a University with more biodiversity
In the coming months, a new initiative will collect and process proposals to increase biodiversity on the University of Southern Denmark’s campuses. The management will select and prioritise initiatives among the proposals. Both students and staff can now submit proposals.
Eulogy for Miguel Malek Maalouf
It is with great sadness that we announce that our colleague Miguel Malek Maalouf passed away on 2 June 2024
SDU Reuses
SDU Reuses – Campaign for Circular Consumption
During the summer of 2024, SDU will conduct a pilot project aimed at identifying items that could potentially find new life elsewhere, preferably within campus.
Status on the implementation of SDU’s new strategy
In June 2023, SDU’s Board approved a new strategy that details how the University will tackle the challenges and seize the great opportunities that lie ahead until 2030. Almost a year after its approval, the Rectorate’s Newsletter has talked to Rector Jens Ringsmose about the implementation of SDU’s new strategy.
Guide for settling flexitime on General Prayer Day
Here is a little guide for adjusting flexitime on General Prayer Day. If you have already tried to correct your flex in relation to the General Prayer Day, please check again according to the instructions below. If you need help, please contact the person responsible for holiday planning in your unit.
The SDUx experiment comes to an end
Eighteen months ago, SDU’s management decided to try an experiment in developing new forms of further and continuing education under the name SDUx. The experiment is now coming to an end and the knowledge gained will be incorporated into the University’s work with ‘lifelong learning’.
Working Time Directive
New rules for registering working hours are coming to SDU
The new EU Working Time Directive requires all public and private employers in Denmark to register employees’ working hours. Its purpose is to safeguard employees’ rights, health and well-being in the workplace. The law comes into force on 1 July this year, and universities are currently working to find the most pragmatic and user-friendly solutions.
New local agreement on health and safety work at SDU
New framework at SDU for how health and safety work is organised. Now it is time to put the framework into practice – the elections for the health and safety organisation take place in June.
New organisation of IT tasks at SDU
SDU IT and SDU Digital join forces
The University Director has decided that SDU IT and SDU Digital will be merged into a joint area in the Central Administration as of 1 June 2024. Going forward, SDU Digital’s current Head of Division, Bue Raun Andersen, will serve as head of division for the new digital area. In the months ahead, he will enter into dialogue with managers and employees in SDU IT and SDU Digital with a view to shaping the new organisation.
Follow-up to the spring phishing campaign
This spring, SDU has conducted another phishing campaign, this time with a new approach.
New education quality policy goes out for consultation
Please take a minute to read the proposed policy and take the chance to submit comments.
SDU IT will be out of the office
Wednesday, May 15, and Thursday, May 16, 2024
Help for you who are new to EU funding
Get a quick overview and new knowledge in your search for funding.
Service and Logistics
Service and Logistics is away on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May 2024
There will therefore be changes in daily operations in Service and Logistics on those days
Quota 2 admission process will change from 2025
From 2025, a number of initiatives will be introduced into the admission process to SDU’s programmes via the quota 2 system. This has been decided by the Executive Board, and the changes are being implemented to ensure that students have the necessary academic skills and motivation to complete a university education.
OUH and SDU have embarked on an even closer collaboration
A good healthcare system requires perspectives from all university disciplines.
Possible changes within SDU’s digital organisation
Jacob-Steen Madsen, head of SDU IT, has accepted a new job as manager of DKCERT. The University Director is therefore considering the overall organisation of SDU’s digital organisation, which consists of SDU IT and SDU Digital.
Eulogy for Kimmo Herttua
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed colleague Kimmo Jouko Kaarel Herttua on April 21, 2024.
SDU launches new programmes in Quantum Computing and Psychology
Syddansk Universitet (SDU) has received approval from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to offer new programs in Quantum Computing and Psychology. The Quantum Computing master’s program will be the first of its kind in Denmark.
Sector dimensioning
Political agreement on sector dimensioning
On 19 April, the Danish government (the Social Democrats, Venstre – The Liberal Party of Denmark and the Moderates) as well as the Green Left, Danish Democrats, Liberal Alliance and the Conservative People’s Party entered into a political agreement on the sectoral dimensioning of undergraduate programmes.
Eulogy for Peter Sudhölter
With great sadness we announce that our esteemed colleague Peter Sudhölter passed away on April 2, 2024.
Visit Festival of Reasearch 2024 at SDU in week 16-17
Research Day is the perfect opportunity to show off your university to friends and family and dive into some of the exciting things happening on campus!
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
CBS recruits new president from SDU
Peter Møllgaard has been appointed as the new President of Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He has served as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU since 1 June 2022.
SDU Research Academy – What is it and what does it do?
Assistant professors and recently appointed associate professors at the University of Southern Denmark will most likely be able to join the SDU Research Academy programme from the autumn of 2024, a pilot programme which aims to implement the support for SDU researchers more naturally in their everyday work, and it has got off to a good start.
Have you used a supercomputer today?
Supercomputers are ready to boost your research both here at SDU and at a number of other Danish universities. But what difference can supercomputers make? This was the focus when the Danish e-infrastructure Consortium (DeiC) visited SDU.
More applicants to SDU’s programmes via quota 2
The figures for this year’s applications to higher education programmes via quota 2 have been published. At the University of Southern Denmark, a positive increase can be seen for the second year in a row.
SDU IT is changing service management solution
Monday, March 18 2024, SDU IT will launch Freshservice
Store Bededag
Abolition of Store Bededag as a public holiday (updated)
In connection with the collective bargaining negotiations in the state sector, it has been agreed that compensation for the removal of Store Bededag as a public holiday will be included in the special holiday allowance
New Health
New HEALTH officially opened
Spring was in the air and in many of the speeches when New HEALTH – SDU’s new Faculty of Health Sciences – was inaugurated on 1 March 2024.
Special vacation days
Call for requests for placement of special vacation days
Call for requests for placement of special vacation days will be taking place in the following weeks.
Office 365
Office for All - Learn When You Need It!
Are your Microsoft Office skills a bit rusty, or have you never really delved into the possibilities of the tools? Now there is help to be found on
New service solution
New service solution hitting a computer near you soon!
SDU IT, are in the process of transitioning to a new service management solution
Phishing campaign
SDU conducts another phishing campaign
At SDU, we continue to work to increase information security. This is done, among other things, by conducting campaigns with simulated phishing.
DIAS 3.0
New vision for DIAS has been approved
In a recently approved vision for ’Dias 3.0’, director Sten Rynning describes the route to a DIAS with significant changes, closer ties to SDU and greater visibility regarding the elitist ambition that is inherent in DIAS.
International students
New internationalisation project in the pipeline
An overall strategic effort to recruit the most talented international students is about to be implemented at the University following its approval by the Executive Board.
The Jazz Collections
The greatest names in jazz are hanging out the basement at SDU
At least in the form of unique audio recordings, photos and other exceptional items. The jazz collections at the University Library of Southern Denmark are known worldwide as a true treasure trove of jazz history. We visited in honour of the collection’s contribution to a new, completely sold-out jazz release.
Prevention of theft at Nyt SUND
As one of several initiatives launched to prevent further thefts, initiatives will now be taken to reset and re-deliver keys to employees at Nyt SUND.
Technical Services
Information about SDU’s warehouse and logistics
Please be aware that Technical Services’ warehouse and logistics department is currently facing staffing challenges.
Community singing
Community singing at SDU Odense
Come and sing the day in with colleagues and students at SDU. Everyone is welcome!
Which centre will be appointed SDU and OUH’s next flagship centre?
Now begins the process of finding the next joint SDU-OUH flagship centre, which will be named at the end of 2024.
Thefts on Nyt SUND
Unfortunately, there have been several thefts at Nyt SUND recently.
Store Bededag
Abolition of Store Bededag as a public holiday
On February 28, 2023, the Act on the consequences of abolishing Store Bededag as a public holiday (Act no. 214 of 06/03/2023) was passed by a majority vote in the Danish Parliament.
2024 to bring continuous improvement
This year, the work on SDU’s simplification model is to be accelerated. The purpose of the model is to free up time and resources for research and teaching by looking at the workflows of administrative tasks.
Lifelong learning
SDUx goes live
SDU’s new investment in lifelong learning in collaboration with the business community launches in February with a completely sold-out course on artificial intelligence.
New PET campaign to focus on security in research
How do we best protect Danish research from the serious security, financial and ethical consequences that can arise in international collaborations? A new campaign spotlights this issue.
Intelligent Exercise
Get off to a strong start in 2024 with easy exercises you can do in the office or in front of your computer.
Consultancy from SDU HR, Work Environment & Development becomes free of charge
As from 1 January 2024, managers and units at SDU can request consultancy from SDU HR, Work Environment & Development free of charge. The new framework for consultancy has been introduced to reduce the University’s administration.
Henrik Bindslev continues as Dean of TEK
In the years to come, Henrik Bindslev will continue to serve as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (TEK) at the University of Southern Denmark. A unanimous employment committee has reappointed the seasoned force to be reckoned with in management and research, much to the delight of SDU and Henrik Bindslev himself.
The ESDH team is now part of SDU Digital
The ESDH team, with Gitte Brobyskov and Maja Skov, has moved from SDU HR to SDU Digital as of 1st January. As of now, Thomas Friis Gjesing, programme manager for ‘Fremtidens ESDH’, will also be head of the team.
Longer Response Times in the Servicedesk
Due to exam-related tasks
Graphic and language services become free of charge
From 1 January 2024, employees at SDU can order graphic design and printing free of charge. The same applies to linguistic assistance from SDU’s Language Services Unit. The new procedure has been introduced to reduce the administrative work at the University.
SDU has entered into an agreement with Falck on psychological counselling
Effective from 1 January 2024, SDU has entered into an agreement with Falck on psychological counselling for employees at SDU.
OUH and SDU add new layers to their collaboration
With a new joint vision, SDU and OUH will address several of society's major challenges through new knowledge, innovative methods and strong proposals for the technological solutions of the future.
Changed opening hours between Christmas and New Year
All our service desks are closed between Christmas and New Year.
Air travel
SDU employees are flying significantly less
New data from the University of Southern Denmark shows that compared to the years before the Coronavirus pandemic, employees’ total CO2e emissions from air travel have been significantly reduced. From having emitted 3,645,000 kg CO2e in 2019, the figure in 2023 is currently at 1,303,000 kg CO2e.
Gender equality
Visit from IGAB
At the end of November, the University of Southern Denmark was visited by SDU’s International Gender Advisory Board (IGAB), which over two days provided SDU with constructive recommendations and reflections in relation to the strategic diversity, inclusion and gender equality work that takes place at the University.
Research Support
SDU’s Research Support Hub: An easier gateway to overview, funding, and support
A new shared tool at will make it easier to explore funding opportunities, find relevant colleagues and research support across SDU, and make application processes simpler and more transparent for the researchers, research group leaders, and research support units.
New organisational changes in the name of sustainability
In June 2023, SDU’s Board adopted the University’s new strategy. The new strategy calls for organisational changes regarding the University’s sustainability work.
SDU strengthens the Triangle Region
Tailwind for SDU’s ambitions to build the future’s research and education environment in IT and engineering in the Triangle Region.
Change of SDU UP’s organisational structure as of 1 January 2024
SDU UP (SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning) supports the development of teaching, learning and testing methods, including e-learning and digital exams. SDU UP is currently organisationally anchored at the Faculty of Humanities.
Copilot chat is now available to all employees at SDU
SDU now makes the Copilot chatbot available to all employees at SDU. This is a good opportunity to test AI technology on your own tasks. However, users must be aware of the security limitations and pitfalls.
Deputy Director
New Deputy Director of Studies at SDU
As of 1 January 2024, Stinne Hørup Hansen will be the new Deputy Director of Studies at SDU. A strong asset and a good starting point for the major changes we are facing in the field of education.
Green lab network
First steps taken towards new Green Lab Network
On Wednesday 4 October, the University of Southern Denmark, Green Lab, Danish Life Science Cluster and Life Science Fyn held the ‘Sustainable Life Science – Laboratories under the Microscope’ conference.
Respect for different opinions and respectful tone of communication at Danish universities
Announcement from SDU's management.
SDU discontinues activities in Slagelse
Unfortunately, it was not possible to reach an agreement that could have led to Roskilde University taking over SDU Slagelse. Subsequently, SDU has been working on alternative solutions, but without finding a sustainable alternative. SDU has therefore decided to discontinue its activities in West Zealand.
Working environment
Temperature restriction removed at SDU
This coming winter, temperatures will no longer be restricted to a maximum of 19 degrees at SDU’s locations – but you are still encouraged to think before turning up the thermostat.
The Vacation Fund
Vacation Fund Opens on December 1st for Bookings for the High Season 2024 - Important Information about the Lottery
We hope that you've all had a wonderful holiday throughout the year and are ready to look forward to the high season in 2024. We have exciting news to share with you regarding bookings and a change in our allocation system for holiday homes.
New agreement between foundations and universities will strengthen research
Danish Universities and six private research foundations have reached a consensus on an agreement for a model for the foundations’ coverage of the costs of research projects at the universities.
Freedom of expression and respect for diversity
SDU upholds freedom of expression and the right of individuals to use it. In addition to being a fundamental right in a democracy, freedom of expression is also crucial for the functioning of a university. Freedom of expression is inextricably linked to academic freedom and freedom of research.
New smoking policy adopted at the University of Southern Denmark
New principles regarding smoking and tobacco use on the University of Southern Denmark’s premises have been approved and adopted by the Rectorate, and smoking cessation courses are being offered to employees who want help to quit.
Phishing campaign
Follow-up on phishing campaign – with high praise for all
Once again this autumn, SDU carried out a phishing campaign in which a fake email was sent out with the aim of getting employees to provide their login details.
Remember the used goods exchange
Are you in need of a new office chair or other office supplies for your daily work? Then you should check SDU's second-hand goods exchange, where there may be just what you are looking for.
New study administrative system
Along with six other universities in the New SIS Programme alliance, SDU has just signed an agreement on the construction of a new student information system (SIS). After a long tendering process and a document that has been awaiting approval from the Danish Parliament’s Finance Committee, work can now begin with the winning supplier – Fluido.
Joint purchases of office supplies for SDU’s central warehouse have considerably reduced Lyreco orders
An internal optimisation of the logistics involved in ordering office supplies has contributed to SDU significantly reducing the amount of small orders to Lyreco. The initiative has resulted in a smaller CO2 footprint by means of fewer journeys and less packaging, and the initiative is set to continue.
Closer strategic alliance
SDU and OUH are strengthening their strategic collaboration
The University and Odense University Hospital are working on a common vision for a broad strategic collaboration. In this context, a joint unit has now been set up to support the collaboration.
CO2 emissions
SDU’s Climate Accounts 2018–2022 show an overall decrease in CO2 emissions
The management has presented the climate accounts for 2018–2022 to the University’s Board. The accounts show an overall decrease in SDU’s CO2 emissions since 2018, but some effort is still needed if the goal of a 57% reduction is to be achieved by 2030.
The implementation of the URIS recommendations gets another boost
With the appointment of Mads Niemann-Christensen as head of security, the implementation of the URIS recommendations gets a boost. The recommendations were issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and are intended to ensure various aspects of business-critical security.
Generative AI
Generative AI is moving into university education programmes
In April 2023, the Council for Education decided to create a cross-cutting effort for generative AI at SDU.
About well-being
Well-being – a joint effort
Students and staff are invited to participate in this year’s well-being event October 31
EPICUR alliance to increase internationalisation at SDU
EPICUR is the name of the European University Alliance, which the University of Southern Denmark joined in 2021. Not everyone is aware of the alliance and the opportunities it offers you as a lecturer, researcher or student. In the following, Rector Jens Ringsmose elaborates on the collaboration and the perspectives SDU sees in the EPICUR alliance.
The competence foundation
Seek funding for skills development
On Tuesday 3 October 2023 at 10:00 a.m., funds will be added to all the pools of the State Sector Competence Fund, and it is again possible to seek funding for skills development.
Community singing
Community singing at SDU Odense, 10th November and 8th December
Come and sing the day in with fellow students, researchers, lecturers and other employees at SDU. Everyone is welcome!
SDU Moves
Take your colleagues on a discovery journey
Are you curious about what lies behind the doors of the new HEALTH building? Now is your chance to get closer and experience it for yourself. We invite you and your colleagues to an exciting semi-guided tour of the brand-new building.
SDU and RUC discontinue negotiations
More than six months of investigations, which were supposed to lead to Roskilde University taking over Campus Slagelse from the University of Southern Denmark, have unfortunately ended without a mutual agreement.
We’re travelling GREEN 2023
Departments and offices at SDU Odense are hereby invited to participate in Odense Municipality’s annual campaign focusing on green and active transport habits at workplaces in Odense. Because SDU is one of the nine founding members of the Odense Climate Partnership, all interested parties are invited to participate.
Education vision
Education vision set to strengthen the Triangle Region
SDU’s vision of helping to build a future research and education environment in the fields of IT and engineering in the Triangle Region, one of the country’s key industrial regions, is alive and well.
The keys to New SUND have officially been handed over to SDU
On Friday 1 September, the University of Southern Denmark signed an agreement signalling that the new building housing the Faculty of Health Sciences has now been formally handed over to SDU.
Phishing campaign
SDU is launching a new phishing campaign
SDU is continuing its training in good information security, and once again a phishing campaign is to be launched.
Holiday requests
Holiday requests
It is now time to start planning and announcing leave in the holiday year 2023/2024, where holiday must be taken during the period from 1 September 2023 to 31 December 2024 (the holiday entitlement period).
ESDH system
SDU’s new ESDH system, WorkZone, goes live in March 2024
Until now, the ESDH of the Future programme had aimed to put WorkZone into service on 1 December 2023. However, with a new anticipated operational date of 4 March 2024, a smoother transition from the current ESDH system, Acadre, to WorkZone is ensured.
Do you want an update on climate change?
Then sign up for the free online webinar series Climate Thursdays
Opening of new tram stop
Come to the opening of the new tram stop and see Nyt SUND
On Friday 25 August at 12 noon, the new tram stop 'SDU Syd/Hospital Nord' will be inaugurated. The opening also marks the opening of the teaching facilities at Nyt SUND on Monday 28 August.
New Deputy Director of Studies
Follow-up on the analysis of the Study Administration – new Deputy Director of Studies
As a follow-up to the analysis of the Study Administration, the Rectorate has decided to create a new position as Deputy Director of Studies. The position will be advertised in September and the new Deputy Director is expected to start on 1 January 2024.
Closure of car parks
Car parks will be closed in connection with the Semester Start Party
Are you travelling to SDU Odense by car? Then you’ll probably need to spend a little extra time parking over the next few weeks.
Uniform at Work Day
27 September to be national Uniform at Work Day
To honour and pay tribute to military reservists and volunteers in Denmark’s overall defence and emergency readiness (the so-called total-defence concept), a national uniform day is to be held on 27 September. The University of Southern Denmark supports the initiative, and everyone is welcome to show up in uniform on the day.
Work Anniversaries
Changed procedure for work anniversary celebrations at SDU
Now, anniversaries will officially be marked with a joint reception when employees have been at SDU for 25, 40 and 50 years. Previously, the joint reception was held on anniversaries of state employment.
Welcome to 4,635 new SDU students
At midnight, 4,635 prospective students received offers of places on SDU’s bachelor programmes. This is an increase of 7% on the previous year.
New board members
SDU appoints two new board members
Former Minister and Member of the Danish Parliament Ulla Tørnæs and Troels Petersen, Senior Vice President at Danfoss, are set to join SDU’s Board of Directors on 1 October 2023.
Summer greetings
Summer greetings from the Rectorate
We wish everyone at SDU a great summer of relaxation, paperback novels and the opportunity to recharge your batteries.
Future undergraduate intake
New model for future undergraduate intake
A new admissions model will ensure that prospective students have the necessary qualities to complete a university education.
Central Administration
Summer staffing in the Central Administration
Several departments in the Central Administration will either be closed or operate with reduced staffing over the summer. Extended response times should therefore be expected when contacting the individual departments.
Political agreement on new master’s degree reform
On 27 June, the Danish Government (Social Democrats, Venstre and Moderaterne) and SF, Danmarksdemokraterne, Liberal Alliance and the Conservative People’s Party signed a political framework agreement on the reform of master’s degree programmes.
SDU IT wish you a safe and enjoyable summer
Dear colleague, The summer holidays are approaching fast and as you may be planning to travel abroad during the holiday period, we would like to remind you of the importance of safe digital behaviour, especially when using your SDU computer. We want to ensure that your data and personal information remain protected wherever you are.
Strategic direction
The University of Southern Denmark adopts new strategy
The Board of SDU has just approved a new strategy that details how the University will tackle the major challenges and seize the great opportunities that lie ahead towards 2030.
New director
Sten Rynning to be the new director of the Danish Institute for Advanced Study
SDU’s rector, Jens Ringsmose, has appointed professor of political science Sten Rynning as the new director of the University of Southern Denmark’s interdisciplinary elite research centre, DIAS.
SDU Digital
SDU Digital gets new services page
After months of work and an intense final spurt, SDU Digital recently launched its new services page.
Result of the adjustment process
On 23 March, we reported that SDU’s finances are under pressure due to declining educational revenues and price increases, and that management had decided to adjust the University’s finances. We are pleased to announce that the adjustment process is now complete. Below you can read about the outcome of the process, an evaluation of the process and a thank you to everyone for their efforts.
The canteen
The canteen is short of their cutlery and crockery in general
The canteen is generally short of crockery and cutlery, so make sure it is returned to the collection trolleys – and doesn’t end up in lunch rooms around the University.
Art Association
The Art Association invites you to a pop-up event
SDU’s Art Association invites all staff and students to the Winter Garden on 31 May to view and talk about art.
Study Environment Survey 2023
Student well-being is improving
This year's results from the Study Environment Survey (SMU) are in, and there is a marked improvement in the well-being of SDU students compared to the last survey in 2021, which is thought to have been affected by the coronavirus lockdown.
Phishing campaign
Phishing campaign – Did you click too?
In March 2023, SDU conducted a phishing campaign.
Charging points
Now you can charge your electric car in Odense
At SDU in Odense, staff, students and visitors can now charge their electric or hybrid car while at the University. Four cars can be charged at a time.
Adjusted timetable for the transfer of the Slagelse campus
SDU and RUC are now working towards a transfer date for the educational and research activities in Slagelse on 1 September 2024 instead of at the turn of the year.
Discontinuation of education programmes
SDU’s efforts to balance the economy means that a number of education programmes at two of the University’s faculties will be discontinued.
Annual siren test
Mobile phones included in annual siren test
Here's how to respond to the important warning
The canteen in Odense
The canteen in Odense is closed today due to a strike - opens again on Friday
The canteen staff in Odense are on strike and have ceased work on 27 April. Therefore, the canteen is closed today.
Financial adjustment: Result of the remediation phase
SDU’s management has decided on voluntary agreements and other mitigation measures to reduce the number of unsolicited redundancies. Unfortunately, unsolicited redundancies are necessary to ensure a sustainable economy.
SDU has signed a contract with KMD for a new ESDH system
The new system will contribute to efficient and cohesive workflows and can help to automate processes
Use corridor names when giving directions
Technical Services’ project on signage and directions at Campus Odense has been completed. The aim of the project was to make the signage at entrances and corridors clearer to make it easier to find your way around Campus Odense.
Staff Courses
SDU Staff Courses autumn 2023
The selection of autumn courses is now available. Explore and be inspired by our wide range of courses, seminars, workshops and networks at SDU.
No more TikTok on SDU equipment
SDU is to follow the recommendation from the Danish Centre for Cyber Security not to use the TikTok app on official devices. SDU staff must therefore remove TikTok from the University’s mobile phones, tablets and computers.
About SU Takeover
An outstanding first year
SDU Takeover is looking for more student teachers
New Education
Psychology – West Jutland style: SDU and Education Esbjerg in groundbreaking collaboration on new psychology programme in Esbjerg
SDU will open a new bachelor and master’s degree programme in psychology at SDU Esbjerg. The aim is to create 75 new study places by 2025. There will be a total of 350 students when the programme is up and running.
Appraisal interviews
Appraisal interviews (LUS, GRUS, MUS) at SDU
SDU has produced new generic material for appraisal interviews.
Information about the financial situation of the University
On the basis of an overall assessment, the management of SDU has decided to make new adjustments to the University’s finances.
Climate action
SDU’s new elite centres will help solve climate challenges
The first two of a total of five elite centres have been designated at the SDU Climate Cluster. The two new research centres focus on nature-based solutions and solar energy, respectively. The remaining three centres will be designated this summer.
Education proposal
The Government’s education proposal
On 2 March, the SVM government launched the proposal Prepared for the Future I, of which the reduction in the length of master’s programmes is an important element.
A new educational chapter is being written in Slagelse
Roskilde University and the University of Southern Denmark have signed a letter of intent to pave the way for Roskilde University to take over the University of Southern Denmark’s educational activities in Slagelse at the end of the year.
New activities
SDU is investing in lifelong learning in the Triangle Region
With SDUx Vejle, the University of Southern Denmark, Vejle Municipality and DANDY Business Park will develop a laboratory for lifelong learning that can provide research-based continuing and further education and ensure strong cohesion between the university and the labour market.
SDU launches phishing campaign
As part of SDU's ongoing information security training, a phishing campaign will take place this spring.
The analysis of the study administration
The analysis of the study administration is now public
Carve’s analysis of SDU’s study administration is complete and is available at The upcoming months will be spent discussing the material before the Executive Board makes a decision on the recommendations in the second quarter.
Meet the new climate minister at SDU
Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities visits SDU's students.
Waste sorting
Waste bins to be removed from offices and classrooms
Due to the new waste stations at SDU in Odense, all small bins from offices and classrooms will be removed from the main campus during January. In staff kitchens and kitchenettes, multiple waste fractions will be installed at the same time, allowing all of us to help sort waste correctly.
New strategy
Strategy process has begun at SDU
The Board of SDU has asked the University’s management to initiate a process seeking to renew SDU’s strategic basis. This week, the process kicked off with deliberations in both the University Council and the Main Co-operation Committee.
The Arctic in focus
Arctic and climate seminar at SDU Odense
SDU Arctic and SDU Climate Cluster invites all interested parties to the seminar “Finding interdisciplinary solutions to common challenges” on 2 February.
New Chair of the Board
Søren Vilby is the new Chair of the Board at SDU
The 57-year-old businessman Søren Vilby is to become the new Chair of the Board at the University of Southern Denmark and will lead the University’s strategic work for the next four years.
SDU’s promotion programme
SDU’s promotion programme has come into effect
SDU wants to attract, retain and develop academic talent so that SDU can fulfil its core tasks in research, teaching and dissemination. The promotion programme, which came into effect on 1 January 2023, is one possible career path in the transition from associate professor to professor.
Price adjustments
Price adjustments for Graphic Center’s printing services
As of 1 January 2023, the prices for the Graphic Center’s printing services have been adjusted due to raw material price hikes on the world market.
Christmas greetings
Season’s greetings from the Rectorate of SDU
We wish everyone at SDU a Merry Christmas and a cheerful and relaxing holiday season.
New travel policy
New travel policy set to cut SDU’s carbon footprint
The Executive Board of the University of Southern Denmark has approved a new travel policy for SDU employees, who are called upon to limit work-related trips in general and specifically the number of flights in order to achieve the University’s goal of a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
The University’s finances are under pressure
The 2023 budget has now been adopted by the Board of SDU, which also supports the management’s measures to ensure that the University’s finances remain robust.
Central Administration
Reduced December staffing in the Central Administration
Several departments in the Central Administration will either be closed or have reduced staffing between Christmas and New Year. Extended response times should therefore be expected when contacting the individual departments.
Sync of your private OneDrive to SDU computers will be deactivated
OneDrive is available in two different versions.
Climate ambassadors
Do you want to be a climate ambassador at SDU?
Would you like to help create changes at SDU and help turn the university into a low-emission university? Read more here and sign up for the new climate ambassador course.
Employee Courses
SDU Employee Courses Spring 2023
Be inspired by our varied range of courses and webinars.
Corridors of New SUND named
From Skoven over Tveden to Forten. The corridors at New SUND are named after the natural surroundings and cultural history.
Project management course
Technical/administrative staff enthusiastic about project management course
Project development and project management were on the agenda when about 20 participants from faculties and the Central Administration met up on 29 November – 1 December at the top floor of Campus Kollegiet for a course on project management for technical/administrative staff.
SDU and OUH launch new flagship centres
Odense University Hospital (OUH) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) are launching a new joint initiative, ‘Flagship Centres between OUH and SDU’, which focuses on high-quality research in an equal collaboration between researchers from OUH and SDU. The flagship centres replace what was previously known as elite research centres at OUH.
Technical Services
Technical Services, Building Maintenance and Service and Logistics will be on a staff trip on Thursday 24 November 2022
Daily operations in Service and Logistics will be affected as follows:
Hitting 19 degrees: How to set your thermostat correctly in your office
It’s a good idea to check that the thermostat in your office or workspace is set correctly for a room temperature of 19 degrees, which SDU has decided on where possible.
Library relocation in Kolding: UC SYD and SDU continue cooperation
Good neighbourliness is important on many fronts. This is why UC SYD and SDU have given high priority to close cooperation in recent years – first with the relocation to Esbjerg a few years ago and this year with the new joint address at Universitetsparken, Kolding.
Electronic Resources
National negotiations on Springer Nature winter 2022
The prices of electronic resources are increasing significantly in these years. At the moment, negotiations are underway with Springer Nature, which is one of the largest players on the market, and this could have consequences for researchers and students at SDU.
Work environment
A healthy and safe work and study environment free of offensive behaviour
New portal conveys SDU values for behaviour and brings together knowledge, inspiration and tools to prevent and deal with offensive behaviour.
Holiday home
Book the holiday home for your 2023 holiday
We accept bookings for the 2023-season from Thursday 1 December at 12.
Call to save on hot water
The implementation of the previously announced energy-saving measures at SDU has begun. For legal reasons, the decision to turn off the hot water to the taps has been revoked. Therefore, all SDU employees are instead encouraged to limit and preferably avoid using hot water for hand washing.
Microsoft Teams
Moving of telephone system from Skype to Teams
Telephony is moving from Skype to Microsoft Teams. The big moving weekend will happen over the weekend of Friday 25th November up to and including Sunday 27th November.
SDU’s GET team involved in two major EU projects
SDU’s Gender Equality Team (GET) is, as of this year, part of two major EU projects, in which their expertise in incorporating gender equality aspects into research and university operations will come into play for the benefit of SDU and the sector as a whole.
Energy-saving measures to begin from 24 October
After the autumn break, a series of energy-saving initiatives will be implemented at SDU's locations to meet the ongoing energy and supply situation and reduce SDU’s climate footprint.
SDU reduces rental and operating costs
SDU has a robust economy, but the University is also affected by the challenged global economy. The Rectorate takes the situation seriously and is therefore initiating a controlled slowdown of a number of costs.
New programme for researchers
SDU researcher to establish company in new programme
Drone researcher Kristian Husum Laursen has been appointed as SDU’s first translational postdoc. As part of the Spin-Outs Denmark programme, he will receive one year of financial and professional assistance to develop a concrete idea and establish his own company.
Ongoing information about the analysis of the study administration
Interest in knowing more about the analysis and further work has been shown.
Energy-saving measures
SDU implements energy-saving measures
The University of Southern Denmark follows the recommendation of the Danish Energy Agency and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to lower the heating of state buildings where it is deemed possible and technically suitable.
IT rules
New guidelines for the use of IT
A change in the Human Resources Policy Guidelines has led to an update of the guidelines for the use of IT for SDU employees.
Annual University Celebration
Ticket sales for the gala dinner ending soon
5 October at 12.00 noon is your last chance to buy tickets for this year’s Annual University Celebration gala dinner. There are still a number of connected tables available, so if you want to sit together with your fellow students or colleagues, it’s about your last chance!
Now begins the analysis of SDU’s study administration
SDU has entered into a contract with the consultancy firm Carve to carry out the previously announced analysis of the study administration.
Technical Services
Technical Services is on an employee outing on Thursday 29 September 2022
As all Technical Services employees are on an outing this day, there will be no available staff on the campuses.
Art event
Art event at SDU Odense
The Art Association at SDU invites all students and staff to a pop-up art event on 28 September in the Winter Garden with the opportunity to view and buy lithographic works.
SDU adopts new strategy for external research funding
The framework for research funding is changing. In order to accommodate and take advantage of these changes and ensure that SDU can continue to conduct research of the highest quality, SDU has adopted a new strategy for external research funding. Read about the strategy here.
Holiday requests
Holiday requests
It is now time to start planning and announcing leave in the holiday year 2022/2023, where holiday must be taken during the period from 1 September 2022 to 31 December 2023 (the holiday entitlement period).
New Nordic humanist centre to create new understandings of the world’s societal challenges
Thanks to a donation from The A.P. Moller Relief Foundation, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark will establish a new research centre: the Nordic Humanities Centre for Challenge-Based Inquiry. Based on humanistic disciplines, the Centre will contribute nuances, perspectives, new understandings and opportunities for action in relation to the major societal challenges such as the climate crisis and pandemics.
Payment of special holiday allowance
Second payment of special holiday allowance
SDU Climate Cluster
Climate Thursdays
Update your knowledge about the climate – status, solutions and actions
Parking: Odense
Car parks closed off due to the Semester Start Party
In connection with the Semester Start Party on Saturday, 3 September, the car parks PV1, PV3 and PV6 will be closed off.
Analysis of the educational administration, autumn 2022
Over the next few years, the educational sector will face a number of changes following political reforms in relation to admission and regionalisation, further and continuing education, internationalisation, demographic development with fewer students and a new student administration system.
European millions in grant money from the EU ensures continued development of EPICUR
The EPICUR university alliance, which SDU joined in 2021, has been granted €14.4 million from the EU’s ERASMUS+ programme, which ensures the further development of the European university over the next four years. For SDU, this means closer cooperation and will, among other things, allow students to take additional and more flexible courses abroad.
Welcome to 4,348 new SDU students
The University of Southern Denmark has offered student places to 4,348 new students.
Read SDU's sustainability report
The University of Southern Denmark's sustainability report for 2021 has landed. The report maps SDU's work with sustainability last year and highlights a number of concrete results and examples.
Application 2022
5152 has applied for an SDU education as first priority
The number of people who have given the highest priority to one of SDU's higher education is 5152 this year, which corresponds to a decline of 12%. The entire university sector is experiencing a decline in applications.
Large donation from the A.P. Moller Foundation for large robots at Lindø
A world-leading centre for the development of automation and robots to build large structures such as wind turbines, ships and construction works will now become a reality after A.P. Moller Foundation donates DKK 90 million to new Center for Large Structure Production at Lindø. The new centre will be established under the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at SDU.
SDU is looking for a new Chair of the Board
SDU has begun the process of finding a new Chair of the Board as of 1 January 2023 to replace Niels Thorborg, who will resign at the end of the year.
Holiday payment
Payment of 0.64 holiday day with June salary
Now, SDU are paying the value of the 0.64 holiday days to the employees who were employed in the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 August 2019 and who are still employed.
Strategic focus on climate
A new video marks the opening of the SDU Climate Cluster
The SDU Climate Cluster is now officially open. We mark this occasion by the release of a video, where you can learn more about SDU’s large strategic focus on the climate.
Media City Odense
SDU involved in plans for new media city in Odense
SDU and the other parties involved in Media City Odense (MCO) have signed a statement of intent with DSB Property Development to create a mediatech city at Jarlsberggade in Odense. The first phase of the new media city is to set new standards for innovation and collaboration across the education, research and media sectors.
System opgrade
Templafy will be updated to Templafy Hive
On Thursday, 23 June, Templafy will be updated to the latest version, Templafy Hive. This means easier access to templates and documents with SDU's brand directly in Word, Power Point and Excel.
Holiday closings
Summer holiday closings in the Central Administration
Several departments in the Central Administration are either closed or have reduced staffing during the summer holidays. Extended response times should therefore be expected when contacting the individual units. For Technical Services, there are a number of practical changes regarding operations.
SDU has found its new pro-rector
From 1 August, Helle Waagepetersen will be the Pro-Rector for Education at the University of Southern Denmark. The 50-year-old professor comes from a position as Head of Department at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen, and she is very much looking forward to starting at SDU.
Recruitment portal
New recruitment portal
Welcome to a new portal for everyone involved in the recruitment and onboarding of scientific and technical-administrative staff.
First SDU employee attends an EPICUR event!
Associate Professor Dorte Jagetic Andersen from SDU’s Centre for Border Region Studies is the first SDU employee to have participated in a research seminar on European identity offered through the EPICUR European University, of which SDU became a member at the end of 2021.
New statement about freedom within academia
New statement about freedom of research, teaching and speech
SDU’s board has approved a statement that defines a framework for how the University relates to matters of freedom of research, freedom of teaching and freedom of speech and debate. The statement has been prepared by an employee-based working group which believes that an official document will benefit both employees and students at SDU.
Free tickets
Join us for the new climate conference, FORUM
SDU will make 100 tickets available for employees and students - 50 for each group - who want to participate in the climate conference FORUM in connection with Tinderbox Festival 2022.
SDU to offer new common goods at the central warehouse
From mid-June 2022, the new SDU Common Goods will be introduced across SDU. The primary function of SDU Common Goods is to ensure a sustainable, environmentally friendly and simple range of selected products, where logistics, administration, warehousing and finance together contribute to the sustainable development of the University.
Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)
New Solution for Privileged Access Management
SDU Needs a New Solution for Privileged Access Management on Windows Computers
Presentation: Freedom om expression in academia
Daniel Diermeier to visit SDU and give a presentation on freedom of expression
On 14 June, Daniel Diermeier, Professor and Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, USA, will be visiting SDU in Odense. Here he will make a presentation on freedom of expression in the academic world at a DIAS event, where SDU’s new set of values will also be presented.
Climate Ambassadors
Become a Climate Ambassador at SDU
On 18 and 19 August, you have the chance to become a Climate Ambassador at SDU.
Service and Logistics
Change in daily operations in Service and Logistics on Wednesday 8 June
Due to an event in Technical Services, normal operations in Service and Logistics are suspended on that day.
The competence foundation
The competence foundation for government employees – Be aware application deadline
The competence foundation cover costs for competence development for employees at SDU.
Have you thought about trying a walking meeting?
Did you know that walking while having a meeting can have a positive effect on health, well-being, and idea development?
Odense Light Rail
The opening of Odense Light Rail is celebrated at SDU
On Saturday 28 May, Odense’s new light rail will be taking its inaugural trip through the city streets. During the day, all the stations from Tarup Shopping Centre to the two stops at SDU will be inaugurated, and the campus will celebrate the occasion with activities and light refreshments.
News from HR
Implementation of the new position structure at SDU has now been approved
The Executive Board (the Rectorate and the deans) has now approved the letter of intent concerning the implementation of the new position structure for scientific staff at SDU.
SDU still ranks among the leading sustainable universities
The internationally recognised magazine Times Higher Education ranks SDU 93rd among 1,400 universities from around the world. Based on the universities’ work with sustainability, SDU is pleased with the ranking, even though the university was ranked 23rd last year.
News from HR
News on special holiday allowance and senior bonus
From this year, the timing of payment of special holiday allowance will change and the Senior Bonus Circular came into force on 1 April 2022.
Law degree programme to be created at SDU in Esbjerg
From the autumn of 2023, SDU will offer a law degree programme in Esbjerg. This is clear after RUVU (the advisory committee for the evaluation of the offering of higher education programmes) has approved SDU’s application for the education. This was announced by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen during a visit to SDU in Esbjerg on Thursday morning.
Do not microwave the canteen’s plates
The canteen’s plates are unsuitable for microwave cooking. They are made from 100% melamine plastic which MAY give off formaldehyde og melamine when heated in a microwave oven. Therefore, please avoid using plates from the canteen when microwaving food.
SDU Moves and Campus Odense
Explore Campus Odense
Campus Odense and the Citizen Science-project ‘SDU Moves’ hereby invite you, your colleagues, students and employees from other Campus Odense-partners to Explore Campus Odense 2 and 5 May 2022. It will be two days filled with fun and exciting activities based in nature, culture and movement, where you can try your hand at canoeing on the bathing lake, virtual reality at Campus UCL and learning more about the development of Campus Odense and the new university hospital.
Sebastian H. Mernild set to head SDU’s climate efforts
The internationally renowned Professor of Climate Change is set to head SDU’s largest-ever strategic initiative in climate change, sustainability and green transition.
New SDU HR off to a good start
The new central HR department, SDU HR, is well under way in the process of coming together. The last managerial positions have been filled and the reorganisation is expected to be fully in place by the summer holidays.
Obituary for Professor James W. Vaupel
On Sunday 27 March 2022, Jim Vaupel died following an unexpected and brief illness. Thus, our university and Denmark, indeed the whole world, lost a leading demographer and researcher on ageing.
Simon Møberg Torp continues as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
In the coming years, Simon Møberg Torp will serve as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. Having been chosen from a pool of strong contenders for the job, he will continue his term as Dean, which has lasted since 2013. Both the University and Simon Torp himself are delighted with his appointment.
New facilities
It is now possible to do interviews for TV or radio at SDU
SDU now has the facilities to broadcast live to the Danish and international press in high quality from Campus Odense. This means that an interview can be conducted at the University, making it easier for both the media and the expert being interviewed.
Call to investigate collaborations in research and education
In a joint statement, Universities Denmark have announced that they are suspending cooperation with Russia and Belarus. They now call for caution in collaborations involving companies from the two countries.
Your salary will be paid on Thursday, but your payslip will arrive later than usual
Salary on its way - payslip delayed due to technical issues
Parking area P1 partially blocked off
Please note that parts of the gravel parking area P1 will be blocked off between 28 March to 1 July 2022 (inclusive).
Political agreement on regionalisation
On Tuesday 22 March, a political conciliation group reached an agreement based on the political initiative ‘More and better educational opportunities throughout Denmark’ of 25 June 2021.
Quota 2
Drop in quota 2 applications
At SDU, the number of quota 2 applicants has dropped by 10% compared to last year. The decrease is seen across multiple programmes and campuses, and the university sector as a whole has seen a fall in quota 2 applicants by 12%. Now the test-based admission process awaits all of the 8,193 applicants who have accepted to sit for the test.
Follow-up on SDU’s support for Ukraine
SDU and the other universities in Denmark distinguish between individuals and institutions when suspending cooperation with Russia and Belarus.
Special holiday
Special holiday for the holiday year 2022/2023
Call for requests for placement of the up to 5 days of special holiday for the holiday year 2022/2023 (1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023) is now taking place.
Cyber security threats
Current hacker and cyber security threats
SDU is experiencing increased activity in relation to foreign actors who scan our networks in order to identify weaknesses that can be exploited. Here are 4 things that can help increase your own and SDU’s information security.
New Dean at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
With Peter Møllgaard’s appointment as the new Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, SDU has gained an experienced strategic leader with international experience.
SDU expresses support for Ukraine
All of Denmark’s universities have announced in a joint statement that they are suspending all cooperation with Russia and Belarus on research, education and innovation.
SDU Moves
Make SDU Wilder
Department of Biology, Technical Services, SDU Moves, and the Campus Odense Active Living Group invite all employees and students to take an active break on Wednesday 16th of March between 12-15 at Campus Odense
New signage
The new signage and directions at Campus are taking shape
For some time, Technical Services has been running a project on signage and directions at Campus Odense.
Working environment
A healthy and safe working environment at SDU
During the next few weeks, SDU HR will enter into a dialogue about how we can support SDU’s health and safety tasks and efforts in the future.
Art Exhibition
Longing is exhibited at SDU
A nationwide art exhibition puts the spotlight on longing and the existential issues with which we have all become acquainted during the corona pandemic. At the University of Southern Denmark, artist Lise Harlev will be exhibiting her work series called "Du tænker hele tiden" (You Are Thinking All the Time).
Odense Letbane
Test runs on Campusvej
Odense Letbane is currently conducting test runs on Campusvej from morning to evening on all weekdays.
Bike race
Bike race at SDU Campus Odense on Friday 11th of February
We bike in the Winter as well! SDU Moves marks that by finishing of the Winter Bicycle Week with a Bike Race on Friday 11th of February at 15.00.
New enterprise resource planning system well underway
On Monday 7 February, the new enterprise resource planning system (ERP) will go live and all financial staff from departments and units can start using it. The system provides the basic platform for modernising and streamlining financial and accounting processes. Since 10 January it has not been possible to receive or send invoices, so the opening is anticipated and the invoices are ready to be processed in the new system.
News from the Rectorate
The crucial prerequisite for the universities 'success - and thus also the universities' opportunities to contribute with answers to today's great challenges - is academic freedom, writes Rector Jens Ringsmose.
The novel coronavirus
All COVID-19 restrictions at SDU to be lifted from 1 February
All of the current restrictions with corona pass, virtual exams, protective equipment and the call for working from home at universities will be lifted when 1 February 2022 rolls around.
SDU joins the Winter Bicycle Week 2022 – are you riding along?
In week 6 it is time to prepare your bike when SDU Moves saddles up for “BIKE TO WORK – THE WINTER BICYCLE WEEK” by the Danish Cyclist’s Federation. We bike the entire week from 7th-13th of February. Participation is FOR FREE, and you can win great prices!
SDU Takeover
In 2022, SDU will launch a new offer targeting upper secondary schools: ‘SDU Takeover’
SDU Takeover brings together a team of talented students who visit upper secondary schools in and around the Region of Southern Denmark to take over the teaching with exciting academic dissemination and dialogue at eye level.
Academic freedom
SDU to establish a set of values
During the next few months, a task force will draft a set of values that SDU, among other things, can apply with regard to future cases of the liberty of SDU employees to conduct research, teach, discuss and express themselves as they please.
The novel coronavirus
Extension of infection-preventing measures at higher-educational institutions
All of the current restrictions with corona passes, virtual exams, protective equipment and the call for working from home at universities have been extended until the end of January. On the upside, we have hopes of a normal study start in February.
SDU’s institutional plan has been submitted
SDU has submitted a plan to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science describing how the University intends to comply with the political agreement on more and better educational opportunities throughout Denmark. The content is largely identical to the draft presented to the Board in December. SDU wants to strengthen the University’s regional position, but this should not happen by reducing SDU’s student places in Odense.
MediaTech Festival
Join the MediaTech Festival this summer
Media City Odense invites you to join the MediaTech Festival on June 1-3 2022 at DOK5000 in Odense. Here the entire media and media tech industry will meet for a 2.5-day conference with inspiration, new knowledge, debate and networking. The festival is relevant for anyone with an interest in media, communication, marketing, production and tech.
New climate centre
SDU’s climate centre is in the pipeline
In 2022, SDU’s climate centre will open under the name of SDU Climate Cluster. Compared to previous announcements, there are a few changes to the structure of the centre, which will function more as an interdisciplinary research cluster.
Waste sorting
The New Year brings more waste sorting
2023 will be the year when we start sorting waste at the university. Initially, the new waste stations at SDU Odense will be rolled out from the start of next semester, and during the year the scheme will be implemented on the remaining campuses.
Questions or input?
Write to us. You can also sign up for the mailing list and receive monthly summaries of news about educational administration.
News 2024
News published on the Service Page Teaching in 2024
News 2023
News published on the Service Page Teaching in 2023
News 2022
News published on the Service Page Teaching in 2022
Student Services newsletter
Here you find all newsletters published between 2019 and 2022.