Research Support
As a researcher, you can get help in all phases of your project: pre-award, at-award, and post-award. These services are provided by research support units at your faculty or SDU RIO.
When embarking on a research project, it's essential to have support at every stage. At SDU, researchers can benefit from comprehensive assistance throughout the entire process.
Pre-award assistance helps with funding applications, ensuring you have the resources needed to start your project. At-award support focuses on negotiating contracts, making sure all agreements are in place. Finally, post-award aid helps with administration and project management, keeping your research on track and well-organized.
There are three important phases in the grant life cycle - pre-award, at-award and post-award. The research support units at SDU provide support in all of the three phases.
What is pre-award, at-award and post-award?
The pre-award phase represents the beginning of the grant lifecycle, which includes identification of funding opportunities, proposal preparation , budget approval and submission.
If the funding agency approves your application, the at-award phase begins. Please inform the research support immediately upon receival of the grant letter, as kick-off planning incl. contract negotiation may take months.
The post-award phase is where the research is being carried out. Project implementation usually includes reporting of scientific progress as well as project economy and admin compliance.
Grant life cycle
Pre-award |
At-award |
Contract negotiations |
Post-award |
Project management |

Research Support at the Faculty of Humanities
“The Research Support Office at Faculty of Humanities contributes with extensive experience in grant proposal development and insights in the Danish and European funding landscapes. Our goal is your research funding success, and we are dedicated to supporting you throughout the entire process – from project idea to proposal submission. Feel free to reach out to Rune, Henry, or Anastasia at any stage of your grant proposal development.”
Rune Nørgaard Jørgensen
Head of Research Support
Faculty of Humanities

Research Support at the Faculty of Sciences
“Equipped with a robust experience in research and grant proposal building, we, the External Relations Team, are your agile partner in navigating the complex Danish and European funding landscape. Our mission is to be your compass towards research success, fostering connections with funding agencies and industry leaders. We are here to assist you every step of the way, so don't hesitate to reach out.”
Philip Hallenborg
Head of Research Support
Faculty of Science

Research Support at Research & Innovation Organisation
“In RIO, the team specializes in supporting areas where SDU has a specific focus, such as private Danish funds and the Horizon Europe framework program for Research and Innovation. We support researchers in project development, proposal writing, project management, as well as in research policy, ethics questions and digital tools for researchers looking for funding.”
Esben Nørgaard Flindt
Head of Research Support
Research & Innovation Organisation

Research Support at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
“The specialized funding officers at BSS Research Support Office, are the entrance for all SAMF researchers and management in relation to external funding. We can contribute with extensive knowledge about research application process and proposal development, guide you in your funding career and plans and with our insights in the Danish and International funding landscapes. We can support you throughout the entire process, from project idea to submission so don´t hesitate to contact us.”
Susanne Feldt Jørgensen
Head of Research Support
Faculty of Business & Social Science

Research Support at the Faculty of Health Sciences
Our research and innovation support acts as the gateway for researchers at the faculty and hospitals within our region. We perceive research support as a function that extends from the inception of a research idea to its application in society, benefiting end-users, with a keen emphasis on both scientific and societal impact. We assist researchers throughout the application process, from aligning their ideas with appropriate calls to engaging with academic, public, and private partners, stakeholders, and citizens. Additionally, we offer post-award support.
Anne Kathrine Overgaard
Head of Research Support
Faculty of Health Science

Research Support at the Faculty of Engineering
“We are TEK’s entrance for researchers who need support related to attraction of external funding. We have extensive specialist knowledge of the research funding landscape both in Denmark and internationally. We support researchers through the application process from matching of the idea to a call, identification of industrial and/or academic partners and are happy to provide feedback to the application. Furthermore, we support the administrative part of grant applications.”
Susanne Kjelstrup
Head of Research Support
Faculty of Engineering
Pre-award services
Do you need guidance on funding opportunities, project management, or navigating ethical considerations? Reach out for help as early as possible.
Each faculty has research support teams that offer tailored services to researchers. In collaboration with RIO the research support teams provide resources and expertise to help you with the different tasks.
Strategic help
Get strategic advice within several disciplins
- Career development & CV building
- Personalized funding strategy
- Idea and project development
- Coordination and collaboration
- Quality assurance
- Peer group workshops
- Individualized administrative support
Quality check
Get a quality check
- CV optimization
- Proposal writing support
- Standard submission timeline
- Standard administrative support (budget calculation, budget approval)
Find the research support services
Research Support Humanities offers support to researchers within the humanities at all stages of the funding process, including
- Help identifying appropriate sources of funding
- Help turning project ideas into fundable proposals
- Help finding collaborators and partners, in the faculty and beyond
- Help planning the application process and navigating the formal requirements of individual calls
- Help scoping your budget and liaising with the finance team in your department
- Sparring and dialogue at all stages of the application process
- Planning next steps after the application cycle has ended
For more, visit Research Support Humanities’ internal sharepoint site.
The External Relations Team at the Faculty of Science (NAT) can help you with:
- Individual strategy for external funding / Identification for funding options – for research groups as well as for individual PIs
- Bibliometric analyses, help for information and interpreting grant calls
- Identification of academic networks, help forming consortia, competitor analysis and more.
- Information and mentoring meetings and courses on good proposal writing, EU funding and more
- NAT-academy to come….
- Grant writing
- Advise on your application – communication, language, structure – best practice guides
- Check whether the application matches the funder’s scope and requirements
- Guidelines for budgets and formalities (in coop with the SPA team – science post award)
- Interview training
- Pre-evaluation services, figures, scoping
- Proposal templates (incl. Gantt and Pert charts)
- Budget template (also for all partners)
- Risk mitigation plans
- Templates to collect relevant information from all Partners
- Branding of the project (pre-award, logo design, home page,…)
- Organizing kick-off meetings (on- and off-line)
- Raising COFUND and Seed money
- Review the application (internal & external)
- Liaise with the PI and their department about any agreed amendments to be made
- Authorise the application on behalf of the University (where applicable)
- Submit the application to the funder (where applicable)
At SDU RIO we offer support within strategically important funding areas for SDU. Therefore, we focus on the Danish private foundations as well as EU funding.
At SDU RIO’s EU Research Support, we are specialised in European strategic funding – mainly the Horizon Europe programme areas II & III. We support you throughout the whole process from idea development to submission.
That includes:- Introduction to European funding and identification of funding opportunities and specific call
- Background analysis of a relevant call:
- What are the policies behind the call and who are the key actors?
- Have similar projects been previously funded? - Development of concept and project idea
- Consortium building:
- Identification of partners for your coordinator project
- Becoming partner in SDU-external consortia
- Networking via European partnerships
- Process management in the proposal writing phase including facilitation of consortium meetings and collaboration as well as communication with partners
- Application input incl. co-writing of implementation, impact sections and other
- Budgeting and administrative forms.
You can get assistance from us in various ways depending on where you are in your application process. We advise both individual researchers and research groups.
We offer support in your application process:
· Contribute with knowledge about application writing for private foundations
· Read applications for grant support
· Advise on the non-scientific sections, the structure of the application, and impact descriptions.
Maybe you need knowledge on where your research fits in the foundation landscape, or what possibilities there are for your career stage, etc.
We offer a strategic overview:
· strategic sparring so that you get an overview of the external support options available to you.
· assistance for research groups gaining an overview of both their own research and the group's position in relation to other research groups and the foundation landscape.
- Fit with funding opportunity
- Project development and scoping to fit a funding opportunity
- Application structure and how to write a competitive proposal
- Reviews and proposal specific feedback of draft proposals
- Interview training and evaluator responses.
- Individual and group level short and long-term funding planning
- Support to the management in developing funding strategies at individual, group and department level
- Advise on career development and CV building
- Knowledge on the relevant funding-landscape, and it’s trends and developments
- Excellent PI grants, such as
- Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)– Postdoctoral Fellowships
-ERC grants - International consortium grants, such as
-Horizon Europe Global challenges and partnership calls
-MSCA Doctoral Networks - Center constructions and prioritized private foundations, such as
-DNRF Danish National Research Foundation Chairs and Centers of Excellence
-Carlsberg Foundation, Velux/Villum, Trygfonden
- Excellent PI grants, such as
Research Support (SUND) is a research funding service shared between SDU's Faculty of Health Sciences and health sciences research in the Region of Southern Denmark.
Support services include among other things:
- Advice on career development and CV building
- Funding strategies for researchers, units, departments
- Identification of funding opportunities & information services (workshops, homepage, newsletter)
- Analysis of applicant profiles & funding success rates
- Organization of meetings with funders
- Design of workshops for proposal development and writing
- Individual support during proposal development and writing
- Coordination between collaborative partners
- Grant interview training
- Administrative support
- Strategic Help
- Professional network
- External Collaboration
We would be happy to hear from you regarding any of the topics above, or with feedback or suggestions on our services.
TEK’s Funding Team supports the faculty's academic environments in relation to external funding of research and collaboration projects.
- Supporting our researchers in all aspects of external funding
- Providing researchers with the insight and knowledge to write highly competitive research grant proposals.
- Keep up to date on all relevant national and international funds, networks.
- Build and strengthen networks for internal and external collaborators such as foundations, researchers, public councils and boards, etc.
- External collaboration
- Strategy development
- Professional network
- Commercial activities
- Patents
- Contracts
- Events and conferences
- Collaboration with students
- Advice on career development and CV building
- Funding strategies for researchers, units, departments
- Identification of funding opportunities & information services (workshops, homepage, newsletter)
- Analysis of applicant profiles & funding success rates
- Organization of meetings with funders
- Design of workshops for proposal development and writing
- Individual support during proposal development and writing
- Coordination between collaborative partners and identification of industrial partners
- Grant interview training
- Administrative support (e.g. budget calculation & approval in collaboration with TEK Economy)
Support will be offered based on strategic fit for the section, time until the deadline and availability of resources at TEK Innovation. A plan for the level of support will be agreed upon – if this is the right call at the right time.
At-award services
When you have received a grant and require this type of service, we urge you to contact the research support unit at your faculty. If you receive a grant letter for a EU-grant, RIO can assist you in the negotiation process. More details can be found below.
Foundations in Denmark
All research support units can help with advice and negotiations with foundations.
Get started: Allocate roles on the EU portal
Once an EU application is selected for funding by the European Commission the coordinator receives an invitation to the contract negotiations. It is always the coordinator that negotiates with the Commission on behalf of the partners.
Starting an EU project, there are two things that must be in place:
- The contract with the Commission (Grant Agreement)
- In multi-partner projects an agreement between the partners (Consortium Agreement).
The first task after a project has been invited for negotiation is to give SDU RIO Research Support access to the project on the EU portal.
Access should be given to RIO. For SDU coordinator projects access should be “Coordinator contact” and for SDU partner projects access should be “Participant contact”. This access can be given by any of the persons that have been involved in the proposal preparation.
When access is granted you will get contact to SDU RIO Legal Services and SDU Financial Services according to SDU procedures. You will be contacted about the next steps.
If you have received funding from EU contact:

Tom Clausen
EU Funding Advisor
Research Support
tlf. +45 65 50 27 76
Post-award services
When you have received funding for your research project there will be a lot of administrative activities. You can get help with these assignments from the research support unit at your faculty or from the research support unit in SDU RIO.
Find the research support services
To receive advice and help with the post-award stage of your project (e.g., general project management, budgeting, finances, travels, hiring processes, conferences and communication), contact your department secretariat:
- Department of Culture and Language:
- Department of Design, Media and Educational Science:
When you received the grant, the External Relations team at Science helps researchers with:
- Project administration of large (trained project manager), complex projects (e.g. EU/DNRF/NFF)
- Plan, organize and run conferences for PIs
Project Management in larger EU Projects
Are you a researcher coordinating a large and complex EU research and innovation project? Do you need support for the administration of the project?
Our experienced project managers offer full support for EU projects from the grant agreement starting date to its completion incl. the reporting deadlines after the project financing runs out.
The RIO project manager-team has managed and driven a range of EU projects on behalf of the PI, incl: ERGO, ESCAPE, TeleGraft, B-Shapes, Fusilli etc.
RIO project managers
- are focused on all aspects of admin project management to save researcher’s time
- have experience within collaboration in large consortia incl. various types of stakeholders and different cultures
- offers to work several days per week at your department depending on assignments
- works closely with the local finance function and FSØ on monitoring budget and expenses
- are experienced within the framework of the EU guidelines and have extensive knowledge about required tools and necessary documentation
- have experience in handling different types of EU projects.
The project managers customize the support to the needs of each project in cooperation with the researcher. Services provided:
1. Project administration
- Grant preparation
- Coordination of financial reporting
- Coordination of scientific reporting
- Writing management reports
- Preparing for project reviews and audits
- Project deviations incl. contract amendments
- Conflict and risk management
- Final report
2. General administrative tasks
- Support, guidance, and liaising with the scientific coordinator
- Day-to-day communication within the consortium and with the grant provider
- Planning meetings, organising conferences, workshops, and similar events
The project manager service is provided in return for payment.
A standard for project management of large EU projects is 6-person month per year financed by the grant, corresponding to the price of full support. This can be financed from the project's administration budget.
Smaller EU projects may require only 4 person months per year.
When you receive an external funded grant, your local department secretariat is your go-to and they can give advice and support when running your project. They are responsible for the administration and finance of the Departments various post award support activities, in safeguarding positive project outcomes, and the best use of resources across the department and different projects.
Their support can be regarding general project management, the hiring processes, budgeting, finances, travels, communication and conferences etc.
- Department of Business and Sustainability
- Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Department of Business & Management
- Department of Law
- Department of Economics
When you receive a grant, BSS Research Support team can also help researchers with the following project services:
- Project administration and coordination of larger partner projects (e.g. EU/Real Dania/DANIDA/Erasmus+/Interreg)
- Data collection, interviews, coding etc.
- Plan, organize and run project meetings, workshops and conferences for PIs
The project service is provided in return for payment within the project budget, but we can always take a first talk about the possibilities and the needs of your project.
Project Management and coordination in larger partner projects
Are you a researcher coordinating a large and complex partner project? e.g. EU/Real Dania/DANIDA/Erasmus+/Interreg) and do you need support for the administration of the project?
Our project managers offer full support for partner projects from the grant agreement starting date to its completion incl. the reporting deadlines after the project financing runs out.
We offer dedicated support in planning and organizing the research projects lifecycle and its resources in collaboration with you and your local department post-award finance officer. The team can assist in relation to the following tasks:
- Contract, cooperation agreements and amendments
- Scientific, management reporting with project deliverables
- Day to day communication within the consortium and with the grant provider
- Guidance to the project leads and partners
- Dissemination of project activities and results
- Organizing project Kick-off’s, workshops, conferences, steering committee meeting and similar events
The team are focused on all aspects of admin project management to save researcher’s time and have experience within collaboration in large consortia incl. various types of stakeholders and different cultures.
We work closely with the local finance function in your department and FSØ on monitoring budget and expenses and can also work at the department’s premises in assignment.
For your planning - A standard for project management of large EU projects is 6-person month per year financed by the project´s administration budget, corresponding to the price of full support. Smaller EU projects may require only 4 person months per year and specific tasks can also be arrange with a minor percentage.
Support for data collection, coding, interviews etc. can be arranged for specific tasks too.
Please contact Head of BSS Research Support Team Helen Korsgaard
We offer dedicated support in planning and organizing the research projects lifecycle and its resources. Responsible for the administration of the faculty's various post-award support activities in safeguarding positive project outcomes, and best use of resources across institutions and administration.
- The team can assistance in relation to the following tasks:
- Contract, cooperation agreements and amendments
- Scientific, management reporting with project deliverables
- Guidance to the project leads and partners
- Dissemination of project activities and results
- Organizing project Kick-off’s, workshops, conferences, steering committee meeting and similar events
- Research Unit Economic support
The Research Data Management (RDM) support team at the University of Southern Denmark assists researchers with the organization, management, and curation of research data to enhance its preservation and access now and into the future.
Proper research data management
is very important to SDU, which is why it is highlighted in the SDU Open Science Policy (internal link to RDM Open Science Policy page). The following are some of the components necessary for solid data management practices. Visit the linked pages for detailed information that will help you keep your data well-organized.
- Data Management Plan (DMP)
- Use descriptive and informative file names.
- Choose file formats that will ensure long-term access.
- Track different versions of your documents.
- Create metadata for every experiment or analysis you run.
- Find helpful tools for analyzing your data.
- Handle sensitive data in an appropriate manner.
Data Management Plan (DMP)
A data management plan (DMP) is a written document that describes the data you expect to acquire or generate during the course of a research project, how you will manage, describe, analyze, and store those data, and what mechanisms you will use at the end of your project to share and preserve your data.
Continue reading at the support page, or if you have any questions you can email us any time at
Last Updated 12.03.2025