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Funding Support

Do you need guidance on funding opportunities, project management, or navigating ethical considerations? Reach out for help as early as possible.

Each faculty has research support teams that offer tailored services to researchers. In collaboration with SDU RIO the research support teams provide resources and expertise to help you with the different tasks.

Your personal strategy

Input for your personal strategy and plan

  • Career development & CV building
  • Personalized funding strategy
  • Idea and project development
  • Network building and collaboration partners
  • Peer group workshops
  • Individualized administrative support
NB! We recommend you reach out in advance for this service.

Standard support services

Get a quality check

  • CV optimization
  • Proposal writing support
  • Standard submission timeline
  • Standard administrative support (budget calculation, budget approval)

Find the research support services

Research Support Humanities offers support to researchers within the humanities at all stages of the funding process, including

  • Help identifying appropriate sources of funding
  • Help turning project ideas into fundable proposals
  • Help finding collaborators and partners, in the faculty and beyond
  • Help planning the application process and navigating the formal requirements of individual calls
  • Help scoping your budget and liaising with the finance team in your department
  • Sparring and dialogue at all stages of the application process
  • Planning next steps after the application cycle has ended

For more, visit Research Support Humanities’ internal sharepoint site.


Contact Research Support HUM


The External Relations Team at the faculty of Science (NAT) can help you with:


Contact Research Support NAT

At SDU RIO we offer support within strategically important funding areas for SDU. Therefore, we focus on the Danish private foundations as well as EU funding.


Contact Research Support RIO

Contact Research Support SAMF


Research Support (SUND) is a research funding service shared between SDU's Faculty of Health Sciences and health sciences research in the Region of Southern Denmark.

Support services include among other things:
  • Advice on career development and CV building
  • Funding strategies for researchers, units, departments
  • Identification of funding opportunities & information services (workshops, homepage, newsletter)
  • Analysis of applicant profiles & funding success rates
  • Organization of meetings with funders
  • Design of workshops for proposal development and writing
  • Individual support during proposal development and writing
  • Coordination between collaborative partners
  • Grant interview training
  • Administrative support
  • Strategic Help
  • Professional network
  • External Collaboration

We would be happy to hear from you regarding any of the topics above, or with feedback or suggestions on our services. 


Contact Research Support SUND

TEK’s Funding Team supports the faculty's academic environments in relation to external funding of research and collaboration projects.

  • Supporting our researchers in all aspects of external funding
  • Providing researchers with the insight and knowledge to write highly competitive research grant proposals.
  • Keep up to date on all relevant national and international funds, networks.
  • Build and strengthen networks for internal and external collaborators such as foundations, researchers, public councils and boards, etc.



Support will be offered based on strategic fit for the section, time until the deadline and availability of resources at TEK Innovation. A plan for the level of support will be agreed upon – if this is the right call at the right time.


Contact Research Support TEK

Contact Research Support

Last Updated 27.07.2024