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Evaluation strategy

The lecturer conducts an oral evaluation with the class.

All offered subjects are evaluated mid-term.

The lecturer should always maintain an ongoing dialogue with the students about the content of the subject and the teaching method.

Subjects or lecturers where concerns are expressed by students or lecturers. Dialogue with the person responsible for the course or the lecturer about the problematic conditions.

If the Study Board finds it necessary to shed further light on matters that lead to complaints, group dialogues can be held with students.

Repeated complaints against specific subjects or lecturers.

The final written evaluation commences around the time of the penultimate lesson. Both the lecturer and students are notified that the evaluation is available.

All offered subjects are evaluated at the end of the course. An overview of the questions in the evaluations can be found further down the page.

Purpose: The purpose of the subject and what I am expected to learn were made clear to me at an early stage of the teaching.
Link: There is a clear connection between the purpose of the subject, the content of the teaching and the exam.
Understanding: I have gained a greater understanding of the subject’s themes and topics through the teaching (incl. independent preparation, work in study groups etc.)
Activity: The teaching has supported me in actively learning (e.g. through discussions, exercises, group work and independent preparation)./td>
Cooperation and dialogue: The cooperation and dialogue between students and lecturers was good.
Own effort: I have worked independently and focused on the subject for approx. 280 working hours incl. exams equivalent to 10 ECTS credits.
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Scoring scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree, 6 = undecided/irrelevant

The Study Board processes the results of the evaluations twice a year, cf. the annual cycle, and in connection with the status meetings for the Educational Report.

The results of the evaluations are published via the reporting form for the evaluation of education programmes.

The Study Board’s evaluation strategy is discussed at least once a year, cf. the annual cycle.

The lecturers must allocate time in class for the final evaluation, and make sure to make it clear why it is important that as many students as possible participate in the evaluation.
If the evaluations give rise to new initiatives, changes or other follow-ups, this is notified in writing to the students who have evaluated the respective subject or to all students, if applicable. If it concerns a grievance raised against a member of staff, feedback is provided in a way that takes into account both the needs of the students and the lecturer who is involved in the matter.

Last Updated 12.04.2021