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Minutes faculty management

Language requirements for PhDs., The Study Club, intro with pro-rector and the workplace of the future

Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on November 4 and 8, 2022

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 11/25/2022

The faculty management held meetings on 4 and 8 November, and in the minutes you can read about:

  • Language requirements for PhDs: The faculty management decided to introduce language requirements for the PhD education.
  • The Study Club: Sara Winther and Camilla Gundlach from FAKSEK's student guidance presented the Study Club, which is one of the pilot projects under the well-being project, which was supported by funds from the Ministry of Education and Research's well-being pool. The study club ran in 2021 as a course on itslearning for all NAT students in the second semester and aimed to support the students in general study-related challenges. The content has now been implemented as part of the operation in terms of start of studies and the first year of study for all new students at NAT.
  • Intro with the pro-rector: SDU's new pro-rector Helle Waagepetersen participated in a dialogue with the faculty management and the education committee.

Read minutes from 4 November (Danish only).

  • The workplace of the future: The faculty management had a discussion about benchmarks for the workplace of the future. The faculty management expects that in 2023 there will be a wider involvement in this strategic theme.

Read minutes from 8 November (Danish only).

Editing was completed: 25.11.2022