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Minutes faculty management

Dropout, visit from the Innovation Fund, master's admission, quota 2 and buildings and premises

Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on March 5 and 19, 2024

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 4/9/2024

In the minutes from the faculty management meetings in March, you can read about:

March 5, 2024(Danish only):

  • News about dropout: The faculty management reviewed the latest data regarding dropout based on comparable education programmes in Denmark and a research project called “Data-Driven Dropout Minimization and Quality Development” conducted by Ane Qvortrup and Eva Lykkegaard.
  • Visit from the Innovation Fund: Relation officer, Innovation Fund Anne Sofie Bramsen Dahlmann visited the management group with a presentation about the Innovation Fund.

March 19, 2024 (Danish only):

  • Master’s admission and quota 2: The team leader for NAT Communication Mikkel L. Johansson participated in the management meeting with a presentation of the marketing related to master’s admission and quota 2.
  • Buildings and premises: Technical coordinator Peter Søholt participated in the management meeting about the master plan, facade renovations, and the teaching oasis.
Editing was completed: 09.04.2024