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A visit from Novo Nordisk Foundation

By Harald Hasler-Sheetal, , 10/21/2020

The Novo Nordisk Foundation’s (NNF) is visiting SDU on 4 November 2020 (9:45-11:15) to introduce their new Nat-Tech focus area.

Please attend and get a better understanding of the calls and the scope of Nat-Tech.
This will allow you understand if and how the Nat-Tech calls are relevant for you.

Date: 4 November 2020

Time: 09:45 – 11:15

Venue (hybrid): D-IAS auditorium* (V24-501a-0) & online via Zoom; *84 participants due to COVID-19 restrictions – therefore registration is required.

* More information, an agenda and the zoom link will follow upon sig-up and prior the event.

**Please share with relevant people in your Department/Group at NAT/SDU.

NNF will present the following calls that are within Nat-Tech or across disciplines, and have an application deadline within the next six months, this will be followed by a Q&A session:

  • The NERD programme
  • The Research Infrastructure Programme (only in Nat-Tech this year)
  • The Interdisciplinary Synergy Programmes
  • The Data Science Initiative Porgrammes
  • more upon request

Q&A (I suggest to collect question questions before the event, we send them to NNF allowing them to address them during the meeting. Please send you questions to Erica )

The objective of Nat-Tech is to catalyse natural and technical science research, particularly in fields with potential interdisciplinary application to the life and health sciences and biotechnology (in the broadest sense). The Nat-Tech programmes focus on “natural and technical science research” and complements the other NNF focus areas (see below), meaning the Nat-Tech focuses on the “non health and non-bio-tech and non patient-care” areas (such fields as chemistry, physics, technology and engineering). In recognition that many major breakthroughs are achieved at the interface between scientific disciplines, Nat-Tech also has a special focus on interdisciplinary research.

  1. BioMed -Biomedical and health science research
  2. Patient Care -Patient-centred and research based care
  3. Bio-Tech - Life science research and industrial applications promoting sustainability
  4. Nat-Tech - Natural and technical science research and interdisciplinarity

Below a short feature about the funding activities of the Novo Nordisk Foundation:

The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards billions of DKK for research in open competition every year

The Novo Nordisk Foundation provides support for high-quality research and research talents. The support is offered through a range of different open competition instruments. In 2019, the Foundation awarded DKK 4.9 billion, of which DKK 908 million was awarded within the Nat-Tech focus areas, and increase their pay out from DKK 1.7 billion in 2018 to DKK 3.6 billion in 2019. Measured alone in grants awarded in open competition, this makes the Novo Nordisk Foundation the largest research funding foundation in Denmark.
The types of grant vary greatly. For example, almost half a billion kroner is awarded annually under the Challenge Programme's research themes calling for answers to global challenges within health and technology. The smallest type of grant, of DKK 300,000 annually, is awarded for symposia.

Ongoing development of types of grant

The Novo Nordisk Foundation is continuously experimenting with the development of new grant types, to match the funding instruments to the targeted research fields. Some of the more recent new grant types include NERD, which is to give researchers long-term undisturbed opportunity to develop excellent research ideas.

Editing was completed: 21.10.2020