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SDU Masterclass in Horizon Europe Global Challenges

When: Session 1, Introductory level: Join to learn about key concepts, how you can participate and what you can do to position yourself to the role of partner and coordinator. The focus of this session will be strategic positioning, choosing the topics to pursue and what constitutes a competitive project and a strong consortium.

August 27th, 2024, 10.00 - 12.00 o`clock in Cortex Park, room 2.0.08


Session 2, Proposal writing: In this session you will learn how to develop the project and write the proposal. Focus will be how to design a competitive project and build a strong consortium, and how to write a competitive proposal.

October 10th, 2024, 10.00 - 16.00 o`clock, Cortex Park, room 2.0.08


What: Join the SDU Masterclass on Global Challenges, the European collaborative projects in pillar two of Horizon Europe. We recommend joining both sessions if you plan to coordinate a proposal for the first time.



Session 1

  1. Introduction to Global Challenges
    1. Introduction to the framework program, incl pillars/clusters, topic development, policy anchoring of the topics
    2. Topic intelligence – how to understand a topic
    3. What constitutes a global challenges project - The importance of impact pathways, cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral consortia
    4. Coordinator vs partner – roles and responsibility during proposal stage and during implementation
  2. Practical steps
    1. RIO apps, Research Support Hub
    2. Partnering approach – how to position yourself and reach out, and what research support can do for you.


Session 2

  1. What is a Global Challenges project?
  2. An HEU proposal, section by section
    1. Excellence
    2. Impact
    3. Implementation
    4. Evaluation Summary Report
  3. Practical steps
    1. Ensuring proposal matches topic’s requirements and scope
    2. Following the “red thread” – logic structure and narrative in a proposal
    3. Collaboration possibilities and types of support from RS, roles & responsibilities
    4. Proposal timeline and resource allocation


Who: The masterclass is open to SDU researchers pursuing a Global Challenges project in the near future. The masterclass comprises two sessions accommodating needs of both newcomers and researchers already experienced in applying to Global Challenges.


Where: Cortex Park, room 2.0.08


How: Please register for the events in the online form by August 19th. An invitation will be shared via outlook before the event.


Presenter: The Masterclass is organized by SDU faculty research support and RIO.


N.B. The sessions are in English.

Last Updated 03.07.2024