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The Faculty PhD committee as of 1.1.2024:

Election for the PhD committee takes place every autumn, when the election for the collegial body is conducted at SDU.  The PhD committee meet approximately every 3 months. The committee processes applications from students, approve PhD courses and sets the rules and guidelines for the PhD study.

Election group I:
Associate Professor Davide Giacalone (Chair)
Department of Green Technology 

Associate Professor Kasper Mayntz Paasch
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 

Associate Professor Henrik Brøner Jørgensen
Department of Technology and Innovation
Professor  Morten Madsen
The Mads Clausen Institute

Associate Professor Henrik Skov Midtiby
The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute

Election group III:
Emilia Theresa Jeanne Seigneur Pietras (Vice-chair)
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

Last Updated 26.06.2024