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From research to business

Research ideas ready to make impact

Innovative research ideas can create societal impact through commercialisation. The business developers at SDU support researchers with ideas or technologies moving towards the market.

Commercialise an innovative idea or technology

Do you have a research idea that offers a new perspective or use? SDU is committed to transforming innovative ideas into societal impact through commercialisation of research.

The business developers in SDU RIO help researchers identify and protect innovative ideas and technologies.

You can also find:

  • help to secure funding to develop the idea or technology
  • inspiration. See what other researchers contribute with
  • resources, guides and more information.

Funding for innovative ideas

Some funds allow researchers to explore research ideas that have commercial potential. This is valuable for those who want to start a business or create a product or service based on research.

For a few funds researchers have to report an expression of interest to business developers at SDU to be able to apply. This deadline is typical a month or more before the actual application deadline.

Spinouts from SDU

University spinouts are companies that are created on the back of academic research. Our spinouts turn university research into societal impact and in the following you can read about some of them.

If you want to  see a complete list with companies spun out from SDU, please access database in the box to the right.


Moving an idea from university to market

More information and resources for researchers diving into the commercialisation process.

Find answers to the following questions:

  • How do I report an invention?
  • How can I protect my new idea?
  • How can the business developers support me?

What type of support can I get from the business developers?


FAQ about patents


There are three basic criteria for patentability:

  • Novelty: to be granted a patent, the invention must be the first of its kind in the world;
  • Utility: a valid patent cannot be obtained for something that does not work or that has no useful function;
  • Inventiveness: to be patentable, your invention must be a new development or an improvement of an existing technology that would not have been obvious to someone working in your area of specialty.

Patent applications are drafted by an external patent attorney. The RIO business developer has access to specialists in almost any field.

The patent attorney will involve you in the writing process and ask you to review the application before it is filed.


Overview of Patenting Process for Commercialisation

When you are employed at a public research institution, you have a duty to report any invention, that you have made in connection with your work. (jf. Lov om opfindelser ved offentlige forskningsinstitutioner).

A patent grants the owner of the invention the right to exclude others from producing, using, selling or importing the invention into a geographical territory for a limited period - for up to 20 years.


Book a meeting with a business developer that covers your field of expertise

Contact a business developer

The Commercialization team at RIO supports researchers in bringing innovative ideas to the market. Our team gives advice and guidance with:

  • Facilitating technology transfer and commercialization
  • Support entrepreneurship and industry engagement

If  you think you have made an invention or have any questions regarding IP protection, commercialisation of research results or spinning out a company, please contact one of our specialists below.

 Picture of Commercialisation team at SDU RIO

What is the Commercialization Process at SDU?