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News about registration of working hours from 1 July 2024

The rules require employers to introduce a working time registration system that makes it possible to measure the daily working time for the individual employee. Over the summer, SDU will clarify how the new rules are to be implemented in the organisation.

Dear employees at SDU,

On 1 July, new rules for registering working hours come into force.

The rules require employers to implement a working time registration system that makes it possible to measure the daily working hours of each employee.

At SDU, we have been working since early spring to get ready for the implementation. Our efforts are based on the assumption that the rules will apply to all of SDU’s staff, but at the same time we have awaited clarification on who can be exempted from registration of working hours – the so-called self-organisers.

On 21 June 2024, the Employee and Competence Authority, which is the employer in the state sector, announced the agency’s interpretation of the working hours rules, and thus who can be exempted.

The agency has stated that employees whose working hours are not registered and/or determined in advance (due to special characteristics of the work performed), as well as employees who can determine their own working hours, can be exempt from the registration requirement.

In collaboration with management, SDU HR will clarify during the summer how we handle the agency’s interpretation of self-organisers at SDU.

What do you need to do?

• If you register hours spent on external research projects in mTIME, please continue to do so.

• If you are covered by a flexitime scheme and register hours in Buanco, please continue to do so.

• Other employees and managers will receive further information in August. Some of you will have to register your total daily working hours with effect from 1 July 2024, so you are encouraged to record your daily working hours in e.g. Outlook. This will make it easy to register the hours once it is clarified who is covered by the rules on registration of working hours.

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to answer questions regarding the individual employee's exemption options.

I know this information is being sent out very late, but unfortunately it has not been possible to do so sooner. I'm confident that after the summer break we'll successfully manage to implement the new rules.

Have a great summer!

Best regards,
Thomas Buchvald Vind, University Director
Editing was completed: 28.06.2024