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If you are unable to work due to illness, you are entitled to absence. You must report yourself sick no later than the start of the work day on the first day of illness in accordance with the local guidelines in your department. SDU may require that provide documentation for your illness with a medical certifi-cate, which SDU pays for.

If you are ill for a long period of time, you will be called in for a sick leave interview. The interview es-tablishes the possibilities for how and when you can return to the workplace in full or in part.

Illness and holiday

If you fall ill before or during your holiday, you have a so-called holiday obstacle and therefore do not have to take your planned holiday unless you want to.

There are different rules depending on whether you fall ill before your planned holiday or during your holiday.

Read more about illness before and during planned holiday.

Child’s sick days

Depending on which collective agreement you are employed under, you are generally entitled to take the child’s 1st and 2nd sick days if your work obligations allow and if your immediate manager has approved it.

Read more about taking the child’s 1st and 2nd sick days here.

Illness in the immediate family

If you are affected by illness in your immediate family, you have certain rights. What you are entitled to depends on local agreements, as well as who has fallen ill.

Read more about illness in the family here.

Illness - Local

Sidst opdateret: 15.07.2024