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Whistleblowing scheme at SDU

SDU has a whistleblowing scheme by which you as an employee can report information about all serious offenses and other serious matters concerning SDU.

For example, this could be if there is suspicion or knowledge of illegal, unethical behavior or misconduct, including matters of bribery and corruption, misuse of financial resources, theft, fraud, embezzlement and other financial crime as well as breaches of personal data security, serious or repeated breaches of ethical rules in the field of research, academic misconduct, conflicts of interest, cases of sexual harassment or other serious harassment as well as serious or repeated violations of the law in general. The examples are not exhaustive.

You can also report violations of EU law, which are covered by the scope of the whistleblowing directive. For example, this could be violations within public procurement, financial services, product safety and compliance and environmental protection.

Read more about the whistleblowing scheme here.

Sidst opdateret: 11.07.2024