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Staff psychologist

In collaboration with Falck, SDU offers:

  • You can make use of SDU's agreement with Falck on psychological councelling, if you are employed at SDU for more than 15 hours per week and are experiencing mental health challenges related to your work
  • Individual psychological counselling, for instance, in connection with stress, collaboration difficulties, offensive behaviour and other psychological challenges related to your work
  • You can receive counselling throughout Denmark
  • You can choose between online and in-person consultations
  • There is an option to involve your manager during the counselling process.

Falck’s psychological counselling service can be contacted 24 hours a day at 70 10 20 12.
Falck has a duty of confidentiality and does not pass on any information about who has been in contact.

Crisis management guide

For managers - see other psychological services at SDU

Last Updated 25.06.2024