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Minutes academic council

The rectorate's column, new budget model, strategic themes and consultation

By Sabine Gantzhorn Hildebrand , , 12/4/2023

In the minutes from the Academic Council on October 26th(Danish only), you can read about:

  • Announcements: Employees and students can write columns for the rectorate's newsletter every month. Everyone is free to express their views on matters concerning SDU.
  • New budget model for NAT: Tine H. Kristiansen presented the main features of the preliminary budget model. Please note that the presentation is from October.
  • Strategic themes 2023: Discussion on the current strategic themes for 2023.
  • Consultation on proposed strategic initiatives for 2024: The Academic Council contributes with consultation responses on the newly proposed strategic initiatives for 2024.
Editing was completed: 04.12.2023