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Minutes faculty management

Marketing budget, young researchers competition, SDU's SDG award and PhD school

Read the minutes from the faculty management meeting on November 15, 2022

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 12/6/2022

In the minutes from the meeting of the faculty management on 15 November (Danish only), you can be read about:

  • Marketing budget, young researchers competition and SDU's SDG award: Team leader Mikkel Linnemann Johansson from NAT-Kommunikation participated with the the marketing budget for 2023 as well as proposals for the jury work for the young researchers competition and SDU's SDG Award.
  • PhD school: Head of the PhD school Barbara Guerra and deputy head of the PhD school Suba Lindholm participated in the meeting with a report on the area.
  • Adjunct professors and associate professors: The faculty management discussed what the list of adjunct professors and associate professors looks like for 2022.
Editing was completed: 06.12.2022