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Minutes faculty management

The faculty's APV action plan, SDU IT and SDU Digital, outreach activities at The Faculty of Science, promotion program scientific staff

Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on November 29 and December 13, 2022

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 1/30/2023

The faculty management held meetings on November 29 and December 13, and in the minutes you can read about:

  • The faculty's APV action plan: The faculty management followed up on the status of the efforts in the action plan.
  • SDU IT and SDU Digital: Head of SDU IT Jacob-Steen Madsen and head of digitization Bue Andersen participated in the management meeting, where they agreed with the faculty management that a network be established in the IT area with NAT VIP representatives. The group also had a discussion of the resource drain that arises in connection with the introduction of new IT systems (e.g. new ESDH)

Read minutes from 29 November (Danish only).

  • Outreach activities at The Faculty of Science: Team leader Mikkel Linnemann Johannsson from NAT Communication participated in the meeting with proposals for new and changed activities in the outreach area. Among other things, it was agreed that new activities with individual registration for high school students and sabbatical students must be developed.
  • Promotion program scientific staff: The faculty management approved the implementation of the promotion program in the Faculty of Science at the meeting. The program can now be viewed online here.

Read minutes from 13 December (Danish only).

Editing was completed: 30.01.2023