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Minutes faculty management

New budget model, equality report, strategy and EPICUR study trip

Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on January 26 and Ferbruary 20, 2024

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 3/11/2024

In the minutes from the Faculty Management meeting on January 26 (Danish only), you can read about:

  1. New Budget Model: The faculty management approved the new budget model at the faculty, and they agreed on how to communicate about it.
  2. Study Trip to EPICUR Universities: The faculty management finalised the last details regarding their study trip to the EPICUR universities in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg.

In the minutes from the Faculty Management meeting on February 20 (Danish only), you can read about:

  • Equality Report 2023: The Equality Committee participated in the meeting where the equality report for 2023 was approved.
  • Strategy 2021-2025: The faculty leadership agreed on a new setup for strategic work at the faculty.
  • Study Trip to EPICUR Universities in Strasbourg and Karlsruhe: The faculty leadership reviewed the study trip.
Editing was completed: 11.03.2024