Minutes faculty management
Economy 2022, work obligation ph.d., dialogue with technical service about APV, inspiration catalog and website infrastructure
Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on May 31 and June 14, 2022
From the meeting on 31 May, you can read about:
- Economy 2022: Tine Kristiansen presented the revised faculty budget at the meeting, and the accounts for 2021 were also reviewed.
- Work obligation Ph.D. students: The faculty management decided that there should be no changes to the PhDs. student's work obligation as set by Ph.D. the school.
- Dialogue with Technical Service: As a follow-up to the APV, the faculty management had a dialogue with the head of Technical Services regarding common task solution.
Read the full minutes here (in Danish only).
From the meeting on 14 June, you can read about:
- Inspiration catalog of mentoring schemes: In connection with strategy 2021-2025, a working group has prepared an inspiration catalog of mentoring schemes for scientific staff. The working group is involved in how to communicate about the catalog at the faculty.
- Infrastructure website: In connection with strategy 2021-2025, a working group has prepared a website where NAT's infrastructure is made visible. The website is now up and running.
Read the full minutes here (in Danish only).