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Expert lists

Are you an expert? Do you want to share your insights with the public?

Are you as a scientist interested in contributing to public information in the media? Do you want to help journalists understand and put things into perspective when topics that may relate to your research and expertise come up on the agenda?

By Birgitte Svennevig, , 1/7/2021

Corporate Communication regularly mediates contact between journalists and scientists, and it is time to update two of the university's expert lists.

One list contains researchers who generally want to contribute to the topic of climate and green transition.

The second list is more specific and contains researchers who can provide input on the topics that come up on the agenda in connection with the upcoming local elections in Denmark. Seen from the Faculty of Science, the coverage of topics such as disease control in public areas, nature, environment, agriculture, water, roads, coast, parking and traffic may be enriched by scientific and/or computer science experts.

If you are interested in joining one of the expert lists, please send an e-mail to Communications Officer Birgitte Svennevig at no later than Wednesday 13 January 2021.

  • You must be contactable and willing to give journalists quick feedback on whether you can participate or not. The media no longer have only one deadline every 24 hours – all media houses can publish news around the clock via their digital platforms.
  • You must be interested in speaking to the media on current matters within your research area and be open to putting your knowledge into perspective – also in a larger societal context.
  • You must be interested in commenting not only on specific research results, but also on the larger contexts and relevance to society.

The list of experts contains key words of expertise. Therefore, you must state which areas you will comment on – and please indicate them in commonly understood keywords.

Editing was completed: 07.01.2021