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25 years

Marine Biological Research Center and Fjord&Bælt turn 25 years old

- I don’t think it has ever gone better, Magnus Wahlberg said.

By Marie Hohnen, , 3/15/2022

That there was a crack in the specially made cake, which went right between the Marine Biological Research Center and the Fjord & Belt, was almost symbolic.

The crack in the cake had to symbolize the gap between the laboratory Marine Biological Research Center and the Fjord&Bælt center.

That was the assessment from Magnus Wahlberg, who is the general manager of the Marine Biological Research Center and associate professor at the Department of Biology, SDU, in the speech he gave at the 25-year-anniversary of the facilities on Tuesday:

- As something very concrete, we are working on building a door that leads directly from the laboratory to Fjord&Bælt, so you can - quite sensationally - go from one to the other, he said.

Magnus Wahlberg also emphasized that both the laboratory and Fjord&Bælt have a unique position:

- I have been here for 15 years and I don’t think it has ever gone better. We are building closer ties between the laboratory and Fjord&Bælt. It can be difficult when the outreach facilities must be shiny and ready to serve the guests, when we also have scientists with their large equipment walking around, he said.

That combining the two areas can be done successfully is especially due to director of Fjord&Bælt Mette Thybo and her work, Magnus Wahlberg said.

Expansion of facilities

In her speech, Mette Thybo emphasized the development of the center, and she presented the visions for expanding Fjord&Bælt.

- We are working to expand the facilities, so we also have something exciting to offer in the next 25 years. I would like to say thank you to all of you employees who make it possible. You are doing so well, and it is simply a pleasure to come here, Mette Thybo said.

In addition, former rector of SDU and chairman of Fjord&Bælt's board Jens Oddershede gave a speech in which he emphasized that even though there have been ups and downs for the past 25 years, the center is still viable, and that it is mainly due to the many talented employees.

The anniversary is celebrated with 25 special events held throughout the year.

Editing was completed: 15.03.2022