Dialogue and nearby management are essential to reduce stress
In October 2021, the latest workplace assessment and well-being survey was carried out at SDU and NAT. Since then, faculties, departments and faculty administrations have been working intensively on their workplace assessment action plans.
Over the past year, the Faculty’s Health and Safety Committee has focused on stress prevention, including a workshop back in October 2022 and a presentation by Imran Rashid in January 2023. But what else has happened in the wake of the units’ workplace assessments and well-being surveys, and what will happen in the future?
The Liaison Committee and the Health and Safety Committee met on 16 March 2023 to take stock of the workplace assessment action plans. Dean Marianne Holmer reports the following from the meeting:
- My impression is that departments and faculty administrations are working hard on the themes in their action plans. However, the process is not easy. In particular, it is difficult to find good ways to minimise stress and increase well-being among employees.
At the meeting of the Liaison Committee and the Health and Safety Committee, words such as ‘articulation’ and ‘dialogue’ were highlighted as important ways of preventing stress, while nearby management also has a crucial role to play in spotting whether an employee is unhappy.
- I see that in some places solutions are being found to the stress challenge that are being used to great effect. In many places, it is a matter of the group and its line manager establishing a good framework for the dialogue on well-being and stress, and for managers, colleagues and the individual employee to discuss the subject with each other on an ongoing basis,’ Marianne Holmer concludes.
On 17 August 2023, the health and safety groups will meet again to round off the theme on stress prevention, where, among others, SDU’s health and safety office will facilitate a talk on how dialogue is a good tool for ensuring the psychological working environment at NAT.
This autumn, the Faculty is highlighting a new theme in the workplace assessment action plan: conflict management.
Read the minutes from the meeting of the Liaison Committee and Health and Safety Committee on 16 March (in Danish only), where you can read both the action plans and the departments’ and FAKSEK’s comments on the action plans.