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A word from the dean

Our well-being is of utmost importance to the faculty

It's time to respond to the workplace assessment as well as focusing on the good university life

By Marianne Holmer, , 10/10/2024

Dear staff

On Tuesday, the workplace assessment survey - landed in my mailbox, and I have marked it with a flag so that I remember to fill it out. Already during the day, I received several feedbacks from employees who had completed the survey.

They were predominantly positive and found that the survey has become simpler and clearer compared to the previous measurement. Several had used the comment fields diligently to draw attention to various observations that they would like to see improved.

I hope that all employees will find the time to fill in the survey and will be happy to make in-depth comments.

The workplace assessment is taken very seriously at SDU, and the working environment committees do their best to meet the challenges that the investigation points to.

There is great responsiveness throughout the organization and the workplace assessment is a good instrument for improving working conditions.

Since the last assessment, we at our faculty have had several joint and local initiatives. It is my experience that we have become better at sharing knowledge across the institutes and gaining experience from each other.

There are also several subjects that we have not achieved, as it has either been too difficult, or there has been a lack of support or finances to make changes.

Many will probably mention stress as one of the difficult subjects. Although we continue to experience stress, I do not believe that the work has been in vain.

We have learned an incredible amount about stress. I believe that we have become better at prevention by paying more attention to each other and catching the small signals early.

I am sure that new topics will emerge in this workplace assessment to work with. Our work is constantly evolving and new challenges arise. The results will be available in November, and in March we must have action plans for departments and faculty in place.

Last week we held a meeting about the Good University Life, which is part of our faculty strategy.

We have discussed several times whether it is the same as our workplace assessment. I don't think so, as there is more to a good university life than a positive workplace assessment.

How do you create an inspiring, motivating and developing environment - which are core values for a good uni life for me? What is a good uni life for you?

There were many good discussions at the meeting, and the members of the reference group and the department heads will in the coming time ask their departments the question: How can we work with the Good University Life?

Is it enough to start from this year's workplace assessment, or is there a need for other types of discussions?

I am very much looking forward to hearing different offers on the question, as it is important that the faculty supports a good university life, and thus is an attractive workplace for everyone.

Marianne Holmer, dean

Editing was completed: 10.10.2024