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Climate ponds

Activity in and on the climate ponds around SDU

The 12 climate ponds around SDU are not only meant to prevent flooding. They also contribute to increased biodiversity in the area and now they are used by both students and researchers for various activities.

By SUND Kommunikation, 6/25/2024

In connection with the development of New SUND and New OUH, 12 climate ponds have been created around the University. The climate ponds are technical facilities designed to retain rainwater and thus prevent Killerup Rende from flooding. However, the ponds also naturally contain groundwater. This means that they consist of both groundwater, which is their natural state, and rainwater, which enters the ponds when it rains.

Besides acting as storm water management ponds, the ponds contribute to increasing biodiversity in the area. They generate new habitats for different

species of plants and animals and they attract birds, insects and other animal species that would not otherwise have found their way into the area.

The Department of Biology also uses the ponds for various student projects and for the past three years, they have received water samples from the ponds for water quality monitoring for the Citizen Science project Find a Lake, which is a part of the project Lakes in spare time

Climate pond fit for bathing

However, one of the 12 climate ponds on campus stands out from the others, as its water quality is suitable for bathing. This means that the pond can now be used for its intended purpose: water activities for researchers and students from the Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics (IOB).

The pond is directly connected to two other ponds in the Active Living area between the car parks on the west side of the University and Æblestien. The two ponds filter the surface water before it reaches the third pond, which is the longest of the three.

A staircase which leads into the water has been built for easy access to the pond and to protect its shores. The staircase was funded by the Danish Outdoor Council.

Activities on the pond

The pond is already being used by IOB who use it for teaching outdoor life on the Sports and Health programme.

- Students who are being educated to work pedagogically with outdoor activities have used the pond in a small Adventure Race, says Associate Professor Søren Andkær, adding that staff from the Department have also been in the pond:

- We’ve tested the pond in terms of a planned outing with swimming, a picnic and socialising. As a result, we have now set up a very informal swimming club that functions as a network for inviting others to go for a swim – when the weather is right, we have the time and we’re in the mood for it.

Foto af anlagt sø ved Syddansk Universitet med en sejlende kajak 

Foto af kunstig anlagt sø ved Syddansk Universitet med badende

Editing was completed: 25.06.2024