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The Faculty of Health Sciences: Guide

How to Change the Picture on Your SDU Profiles

Do you want to upload a new picture to your SDU profiles or change the existing one? Follow along here.

By SDU Kommunikation, 9/25/2024

You can choose the picture that appears on your staff card, SDU email, Teams, and the researcher portal, Pure. Follow this guide to change the picture on your SDU profiles.

Step by step:

  1. Log in to SDU Photos.

  2. Upload your picture (most formats are allowed, but it must not exceed 2 MB).

  3. Use the editing tools to zoom and crop the picture if needed.

  4. Make sure your picture complies with the following guidelines:
    • It should be a close-up that clearly shows your face.
    • Only one person should be in the picture.
    • You should be facing the camera, not in profile.
    • Your face must not be covered by sunglasses, veils, long hair, or anything else that obscures your features.

  5. Under "Billede til web", tick the box for "Jeg accepterer, at mit billede må vises offentligt", so it can be used in Pure/Researcher Portal.

If you don’t wish to have a picture on your profile, you can choose not to upload one or delete the existing one. Please note that SDU requires your consent to display your picture publicly.

Having a picture on your SDU profile is optional, but your contact details will always be visible, even if you choose not to display a picture.

Editing was completed: 25.09.2024