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(previously held session) Training workshop-Making innovation work for society

When: June 18th, 2024, from 14:30-16:30 CET


What: Typically, much innovation takes place in a bubble. Innovators don’t engage the public at all, or if they do, it is some initial market research, or some late consumer testing. But increasingly, innovation is happening differently. By putting the general public at the heart of the research and innovation process, we can explore people’s needs, values and expectations, building innovation around them.

What can be the added value of this approach to innovation, engaging the public through actual open innovation or knowledge valorization? What can be the pitfalls if you don’t? To answer these questions, among others, the REINFORCING project will host a series of training workshops. These workshops will explore various aspects of how innovation can better serve society through co-creation, including how to identify societal needs, methods for co-creation in research and innovation, and skills for uptake and facilitation.

Join us in this first training workshop of the series which combines theory with practical examples, exploring the benefits of citizen engagement in innovation settings and opening up opportunities for participants to reflect on how this could apply to their own innovation processes.


Who: This workshop will be of relevance to researchers and innovators, professionals from business incubators, start-ups, SMEs, technology transfer units, funding agencies or public bodies related to innovation – anyone with experience in R&I processes who is curious about the role that societal engagement could play.


Where: Online.


How: Registration is required. Please register here.


Presenter: The training workshop is led by the Stickydot team and Bassetti Foundation team who have a wealth of expertise in facilitating dialogue and participatory processes around research and innovation, on and offline.


Further information about the call can be found here.


N.B. The webinar is in English.

Last Updated 20.06.2024