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Principles for storage and clean-up

We have limited storage space at SDU, and for this reason and based on a "lean" principle, guidelines for storage and clean-up must be observed.

  1. Cleaning up after teaching and research experiments, including putting things in their proper place: The responsibility lies with the teacher or researcher who was responsible for the teaching and/or the experiment.


  2. Clean-up, including removal of waste: Waste of a type and quantity that can be placed in the waste bins and containers which are part of SDU infrastructure must be placed in these. The responsibility lies with the teacher or researcher who has been responsible for the teaching and/or the experiment. The costs of emptying waste bins and containers are with Technical Services.


  3. Removal of waste in larger quantities, or of a different kind than the available waste bins and containers are intended for: Waste collection must be organised. The responsibility lies with the teacher or researcher who was responsible for the teaching and/or the experiment. The cost must ususally be covered by the relevant unit. Contact Technical Services for agreement:


  4. Placement: Items and waste may only be placed in areas that the responsible teacher / researcher's unit / institute has at their disposal. Corridors and other common areas must not be used to place items and waste from the units, not even as a transit point. Costs for disposing of items and waste that are placed in such areas anyway are sent to the relevant unit.


  5. Escape routes and doors, escape hatches and outdoor emergency routes ("fire routes") must be kept clear at all times.


  6. Storage must be limited to the time that the material still has an active use value for TEK. When it is no longer to be used, it must be disposed of as soon as possible.

Waste management

Find more information about waste management.

Click here

Request for space

Find guideline for request for more space here.

Click here

Last Updated 29.01.2025