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Preparation for MUS

Purpose Preparation

Visions and goals

  • Short-term research goals
  • Long-term research goals

Performance status

  • List of publications
  • Teaching
  • Administrative tasks

Feedback on cooperation

  • Cooperation and management
  • Cooperation within the group or department
  • Supervision / research management
  • Working conditions and cooperation

Career development

  • Goals and wishes
  • Status of PhD course
  • Status of courses, change of research environment, stays abroad
  • Future plans

Prioritisation of task portfolio (Tasking)

  • List of tasks
  • Positive aspects of job functions
  • Improvements of job functions

Working conditions and resources (Tending)

  •  Wishes for help and follow-up

Role clarification and networking (Trusting)

  •  Assessment of own room of manoeuvre

Psychological working environment and well-being

  • Personal circumstances
  • Well-being and working conditions in general

Competency development

  • Substantiated wishes

Overview of preparation forms adapted to different employee groups (pdf)

Last Updated 09.08.2023