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Mads Clausen Institute

The Faculty of Engineering

”What’s on” - events at SDU;

Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

David Woolner - Franklin Roosevelt, Niels Bohr, and the Atomic Bomb – some unanswered questions about a dying president in his last 100 days

15 May

On April 12, 1945, a stunned world learned that Franklin D. Roosevelt, the leader who had brought the United States through the two great crises of the twentieth century, was dead. Responding to this shocking development, the Danish physicist, Niels Bohr, expressed the view that it seemed impossible to believe that “the great man, upon whom more than anyone else, the hopes of humanity were centered” was gone. What Bohr and the rest of the public did not realize, of course, was that by the spring of 1945 Franklin Roosevelt was a dying man. What’s more, his sudden disappearance from the world stage at this critical moment meant that leader who had orchestrated the alliance that would go on to defeat the forces of fascism and set the stage for the successful creation of the United Nations would not be there to witness these historic developments. Nor would he be present when his government faced one of the most daunting decisions made in human history—the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Roosevelt’s absence at the dawn of the nuclear age has raised several questions about what might have happened had he lived long enough to witness the successful development of the atomic bomb. Would Roosevelt—whose knowledge of and involvement in the making of the atomic bomb was far more extensive than President Truman’s—have followed the same course of action? Or might FDR have pursued an alternative strategy for ending the war, through negotiation or a demonstration of the atomic bomb’s awesome power. Equally significant, might he have ultimately taken Bohr’s advice and shared the atomic secret with the Russians in such a way as to gain their confidence and perhaps avoid the onset of the nuclear arms race that stood at the heart of the Cold War? As discussed in this presentation, a close examination of FDR’s last 100 days in office offers some interesting clues as to what Roosevelt might have done had he lived long enough to bring the most destructive war in history to an end. About David B. Woolner: David B. Woolner is Professor of History and Kovler Foundation Fellow of Roosevelt Studies at Marist College; Senior Fellow and Resident Historian of the Roosevelt Institute; and Senior Fellow of the Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College. He is the author of The Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace (Basic Books, 2017), is editor/co-editor of five books, and served as historical advisor to the Ken Burns films The Roosevelts: An Intimate History and The US and the Holocaust and for numerous special exhibitions at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum. Dr. Woolner is the recipient of the Fulbright Denmark Distinguished Scholar Award in American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark (2023-2024) and was recently named a Fulbright Specialist for the years 2021-2025 by the US Department of State’s Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs. From 2000-2010, Dr. Woolner served as the Roosevelt Institute’s Executive Director, overseeing a significant expansion of the organization’s budget, programmatic dimension and staff. He earned his Ph. D. and M.A. in history from McGill University and a B.A. summa cum laude in English Literature and History from the University of Minnesota. The lecture takes place in the DIAS Auditorium at Fioniavej 34. Everybody is welcome and no registration is needed.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


15:15 - 16:00


17 May

Want to know what is going on behind the scenes at IMADA? Come and join us for 2 x 20 min. inspiring talks while you enjoy a free “casual after-work” beer with your fellow student, colleague or teacher. Speakers will be announced ASAP, but mark your calendar now!

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

Powerful Political Metaphors: How Are They Created?

29 May

DIAS Discussion: Powerful Political Metaphors: How Are They Created? Introduction: Jeppe Nevers Lecture: Timo Pankakoski Commentator: Aglae Pizzone The event is open for all and takes place in the DIAS seminar room

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


13:00 - 15:30

Women in transition workshop

12 Jun

While the menopause is commonly understood as a ‘hormone deficiency’, numerous studies have shown that the menopause is not solely a biological phenomenon, but is influenced by environmental, social, and cultural factors. Given the variation in menopause experience and its complexity, how to best support women through this transition is a considerable societal challenge. It is our belief that this question can only be tackled through an interdisciplinary approach. The workshop ‘Women in Transition’ seeks to build the groundwork for such interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing insights from the fields of medicine, sociology, communication and literature. The questions driving the workshop is about the role of biological, sociological and cultural factors in the menopausal experience, and how this insight can be used to facilitate the work of medical researchers and practitioners. The workshop will be structured ‘from the macro to the micro’: from large quantitative population studies, through quantitative/qualitative data gathered in organisations, to individual experiences expressed in literary works. Through this structure, the workshop will focus on the synergies between different disciplinary approaches, identifying the ways in which medical, sociological and humanistic approaches can help overcome some of the challenges of the menopause and shed some light on its complexity. 13.00 – 13.45 Welcome A short cultural history of the menopause Consultant Ella Fegitz, PhD Menopause – an unusual aging phenomenon Kaare Christensen, MD, PhD, Professor, Danish Aging Research Center, SDU Introduction to the molecular and cellular biology of Estrogen action on target organs Moustapha Kassem, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Endocrinology, OUH 13.45 - 14.00 Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy for health maintenance during aging: Is it possible? Laura K. Kaltoft, MD, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen Emma G. Christensen, MD, Bispebjerg hospital, Copenhagen 14.00 - 14.15 Menopause and medicine Ellen Løkkegaard, MD, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Hillerød  14.15 - 14.30 Menopause in General Practice Jens Søndergaard, General Practitioner, Professor, The Research Unit for General Practice, SDU 14.30 - 14.45 Menopause in the Media in Denmark Sasja Krogh, PhD Candidate, Department of Culture and Language, SDU 14.45 - 15.00 The Uses of the Menopause Novel Anne Marie Mai, Professor, Department of Culture and Language, SDU Peter Simonsen, Professor of European Literature, Department of Culture and Language, SDU 15.00 - 15.30 Roundtable discussion: the limitations of monodisciplinary approaches to the menopause and how can interdisciplinarity help overcoming them?  Q&A The workshop is open for all interested participants.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M

21.06.2024 16:00

22.06.2024 00:30

TEK Prizes and Summer Party 2024

21 Jun

This year we will celebrate TEK Prizes and TEK Summer Party on Friday June 21 at 16:30-00:30. RSVP by accepting or declining this Outlook invitation no later than by June 14 at 12:00 noon, so we know how much food and drinks are needed. Hope to see you all on June 21! TEK Party Committee

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Registration deadline: 01.11.2024

Campusvej 55, Odense M


09:30 - 15:00

TAL2024 - Conference on Teaching for Active Learning

7 Nov

This year's special theme: Supervision

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Registration deadline: 01.11.2024

Campusvej 55, Odense M


09:30 - 15:00

TAL2024 - Conference on Teaching for Active Learning

7 Nov

This year's special theme: Supervision

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Last Updated 14.08.2023