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Procurement system

SDU introduces new procurement system

Minimalist, circular and sustainable are key words in SDU's calls for tenders and procurement. Therefore, a new procurement policy and strategy have been adopted, backed by the new procurement system TrueTrade.

By Jørgen Nielsen, , 5/1/2020

The value of annual procurement at SDU is about DKK 500 million. We have to think carefully every time we spend money to make the most of it. We have a great responsibility to spend public funding sensibly.

At the same time, the Executive Board of SDU has decided that the UN's Sustainable Development Goals should be an integral part of the University's future. This gives SDU a very specific responsibility with regard to supply and procurement. We must therefore spend our funds wisely at SDU, and that means in a minimalist, circular and sustainable manner.

For this reason, the Executive Board of SDU has adopted a completely new procurement policy and strategy in the spring of 2020. The policy and strategy are backed by a new procurement system, and SDU has chosen TrueTrade, which controls all aspects of digital trading. TrueTrade has been chosen in collaboration with users and procurement coordinators across SDU. One of the decisive factors was the system's excellent tools for operational dialogue, which allows all of SDU's procurement participants to have an ongoing dialogue and share knowledge in an easy and accessible way.

The new procurement system, procurement policy and strategy will be launched continuously over the next few weeks. During this time, the Tender Office, a subsection of Financial Services, will hold information meetings and a number of training activities for the various faculties and areas at SDU.


Editing was completed: 01.05.2020