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Generative AI

Generative AI is moving into university education programmes

In April 2023, the Council for Education decided to create a cross-cutting effort for generative AI at SDU.

By SDU Digital, 10/13/2023

They did so to find a way to deal with the technology that has set a new agenda since November 2022. The decision resulted in the Generative AI in the field of education project. The purpose of the project is to create a common basis for working with generative AI in teaching at SDU.

Symposium kicks off the process

The first project initiative was a symposium on 22 August with 58 participants from the five faculties, SDU RIO, SDU IT, SDU IT, Student Services, SDU Education and SDU Digital.
Four presenters: Managing Director at It-vest Michael E. Caspersen, Postdoc Mushtaq Bilal, Faculty of Humanities, Head of Information Security Janni Lee B. Bang Brodersen, SDU Digital and Senior Consultant Jesper Hedegaard Vesterbæk, SDU Student Services initially presented four perspectives on generative AI. The presentations were followed by thematic discussions in interdisciplinary groups.
The themes were: What does AI mean for SDU from a technological and societal understanding? What opportunities are there to utilise generative AI in education and what will it take to support them? What challenges does generative AI pose in relation to copyright, GDPR and exam regulations?
View presentations and summaries from the discussions on the project page .

Three project groups get to work

Subsequently, the Council for Education has set up three working groups with representatives from the faculties and the Central Administration.

One of the groups will provide input to and help qualify the work of study boards and other bodies on guidelines for the use of generative AI. How can and may students and lecturers use generative AI in admissions tests, in teaching and counselling, and in connection with assignment submission and exams at SDU? And how are students informed about what they can and cannot do when using generative AI?

The second working group focuses on skills development of lecturers in the use of generative AI. They will build knowledge about generative AI within the organisation and identify areas where generative AI could make a difference in education. The goal is that no lecturer at SDU is left behind when it comes to acquiring knowledge about and handling generative AI in teaching, lesson planning and exams.

The third working group focuses on guidelines in relation to GDPR, copyright and IT security when it comes to generative AI.

Find the terms of reference for each of the three working groups below:

Group 1: Generative AI in education - clear instructions on the use of generative AI in education (PDF)

Group 2: Generative AI and skills development (PDF)

Group 3: Generative AI and GDPR, copyright and IT security (PDF)

The vision for generative AI in the field of education will be included in the Council for Education's work on the Education Strategy and in updating SDU's Digitalisation Strategy. Both strategies aim to support and realise SDU's new business strategy - Value, Quality, People - University of Southern Denmark towards 2023 , adopted in June 2023.

Do you have input for the working groups?

Efforts have been made to ensure a broad representation in the working groups so that specialised environments and administrative perspectives can play their part in the best possible way.

We welcome input for the working groups:

Nina Thorsted Petersen - Co-organiser for Group 1 - Generative AI in education
Pernille Stenkil Hansen - Co-organiser for Group 2 - Generative AI and skills development
Janni Lee Bang Brodersen - Co-organiser for Group 3 - Generative AI and GDPR, copyright and IT security

Editing was completed: 13.10.2023