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New travel policy

New travel policy set to cut SDU’s carbon footprint

The Executive Board of the University of Southern Denmark has approved a new travel policy for SDU employees, who are called upon to limit work-related trips in general and specifically the number of flights in order to achieve the University’s goal of a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

A new travel policy for SDU employees means that in future you need to consider whether your work-related trip is necessary and, if so, how it can be carried out in a climate-friendly manner. The policy leans on the University’s goal of reducing its carbon emissions by 2030 by 57%, compared to 2018.

-The new climate-friendly travel policy will help SDU reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. We have tried to strike an appropriate balance. On the one hand, travelling is an important university task that involves research, education and cooperation. For example, researchers need to attend conferences, participate in international networks and gather empirical data for research. On the other hand, as a university, we must contribute to the great societal green transformation in order to create a sustainable future. The new policy allows us to continue travelling, but everyone is encouraged to think twice about whether the trip should be completed and, where appropriate, how it can be done as climate-friendly as possible, says University Director Thomas Buchvald Vind.

Prior to the Executive Board’s approval of the new travel policy, the matter has been discussed with the Central Liaison Committee, the University Council and the SDU Climate Panel.

The travel policy will be continuously evaluated to determine whether it is sufficient to reduce the University’s footprint of greenhouse gases.

Travel emissions of CO2

Transport, especially air travel, accounts for a significant part of SDU’s greenhouse gas emissions. SDU has collected data on air travel emissions from the University’s travel operator. The data shows that CO2 emissions have been too high up to 2019, when measured against its 57 % reduction target by 2030. Emissions in 2020 and 2021 were very low due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The preliminary figures for 2022 are below target so far and are significantly lower than the years before 2020.


Data on the University’s CO2 emissions from air travel will be continuously updated and can be accessed here, divided into international and domestic travel, as well as the University’s organisational units:

New principles

Some travel, whether going to Copenhagen or China, will of course be necessary. For those cases, new principles have been approved:

  • As a general rule, choose the most climate-friendly mode of transport
  • To the fullest extent possible, use public transport, such as bus or rail
  • If practicable, travel by bus, rail and car over aircraft
  • Prioritise carpooling with other people when choosing a car as a mode of travel
  • As a general rule, avoid many stopovers on flights, as greenhouse gas emissions are particularly large when the aircraft takes off and lands
  • As a general rule, avoid domestic travel by air in Denmark
  • As a general rule, avoid flights below 500 km.

It is important that the traveller has the opportunity to choose the most climate-friendly way of travelling. SDU has therefore worked on a solution that can show the employee an estimated emission of greenhouse gases for their upcoming trip when booking trips with the University’s travel agency. The solution is now implemented at CWT.

In future, before booking a work-related trip, it will still have to be approved. For domestic air travel within Denmark or flights less than 500 km, the choice of mode of transport also requires approval. Approval is made either by the immediate manager if they have a budget, or by the head of the budget (level 2).

The new climate-friendly travel policy will be set out in Annex 6 of the Accounting Instructions ‘internal circular on work-related trips’.


Editing was completed: 22.12.2022