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Working time

Working time registration

SDU is working together with the other universities to determine the framework for recording working hours.

Since the sending of an email on 27 June 2024 to SDU's employees with news about time registration per On 1 July 2024, work has been done to clarify how SDU will deal with the Danish Employment and Skills Agency's interpretation of self-organizers at SDU.

We expect to be able to return with more information in mid-September after discussions in SDU's executive board and the Main Cooperation Committee.

It therefore still applies to:

  • If the employee registers hours on external research projects in mTIME, this continues as before.
  • If the employee is covered by a flexible time scheme and registers hours in Buanco, this continues as before.
  • Other employees and managers will receive further information after the discussions in the executive board and main cooperation committee; expected at the end of September.

Those who are covered by the rules on registration of working time will have to register their working time with effect from 1 July 2024. An Excel sheet for provisional registration of working time is available for download on SDUnet (both in Danish and in English).

All employees can download the sheet and register hours in it. The sheet is similar to the time recording system in mTIME, which will be put into use when the flow in the system has been thoroughly tested and it has finally been decided who is covered by the rules on recording working time.

The purpose of registering working hours is that we comply with the law, and perhaps more importantly – that we want to have a good and attractive working environment at SDU.

Follow the website about Arbejdstid - it is updated continuously: and is available in both Danish and English.

Editing was completed: 02.09.2024