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Project management course

Technical/administrative staff enthusiastic about project management course

Project development and project management were on the agenda when about 20 participants from faculties and the Central Administration met up on 29 November – 1 December at the top floor of Campus Kollegiet for a course on project management for technical/administrative staff.

By SDU Digital, 12/5/2022

Technical/administrative staff enthusiastic about project management course


The course is part of SDU’s efforts to professionalise the University’s project organisation.

During the course, participants learned about a number of project management tools, including stakeholder analysis, goal formulation, risk analysis, milestone planning, communication plan and benefits realisation. Opportunities and challenges associated with the internationally recognised practices in project management were discussed, ranging from the classic waterfall model over agile forms of project management, such as SCRUM, to today's hybrid forms combining elements of the classical project model with more agile elements.

The benefits of a professional project organisation with project owner, steering committee, project manager, reference group/advisory board and a project group composed of the right skills were uncovered and the concepts of portfolio management, programmes and projects were introduced and set in relation to each other.

The course staff will meet again for project management for Module 2 for technical/administrative staff, set to take place in the spring of 2023. The agenda of the second module is about the management of projects, with special focus on facilitation and group development, as well as on situational management and feedback models. At the end of the day, being a project manager is a management

task that requires skills in managing and directing meetings, workshops and project assignments towards the desired value creation in order to reap the benefits.

Congratulations to SDU and the new project managers who are now ready to strengthen efforts across faculties and the Central Administration.

Editing was completed: 05.12.2022