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Climate Panel for SDU

As part of the work on the follow-up and ongoing review of the climate plan, a Climate Panel has been appointed to advise the University’s management on the climate efforts at SDU.

Through research and practice knowledge, the Climate Panel contributes with independent advice on the conversion of SDU to a low-emission university and has the following main tasks:

  • Assess the status of fulfilment of the overall objective as well as goals and sub-goals in the climate area set out in SDU’s climate plan for 2030.
  • Assess the need for adaptation of the current portfolio of efforts in the ongoing implementation wave, including the need for further efforts.
  • Prepare recommendations for technological solutions and behavioural initiatives that can contribute to the realisation of goals for reducing SDU’s emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030. 


  • University Director Thomas Buchvald Vind, Chairman for the Climate panel
  • Assistant Professor Kristof Tomej, Department of Design and Communication, HUM
  • Associate Professor Knud Sinding, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, SAMF
  • Head of Division Anne Kathrine Overgaard, Dean's Office, SUND
  • Engineering assistent Klaus Lehn Petersen, NAT
  • Head of Division Christina Bruun Levinsen, Department of the Study of Culture, HUM
  • Student Janina Gerder, Mechanical Engineering, TEK

Terms of Reference for the SDU Climate Panel (PDF)

Last Updated 04.06.2024