The University’s most important task is to promote research, teaching and knowledge. In this respect, conferences and events are necessary, as it is here that we have the oppor-tunity to disseminate knowledge.
However, there are several things you can consider to minimise greenhouse gas emissions when organising conferences and events.
Below are a number of focus points that are particularly important to bear in mind when organising sustainable conferences and events:
- Offer healthy and nutritious catering.
- Serve vegetarian dishes as the default choice, and make meat an option.
- Consume as little as possible and reduce waste. This includes food waste, but also marketing material, printed material for both before and during the confer-ence/events and merchandise/gifts.
- Encourage the use of public transport and organise carpooling if possible.
We have compiled a checklist below to make it easier for you to plan and organise sustain-able conferences and events.