SDU's logo consists of a monogram and a symbol. The monogram is the acronym SDU in capital letters based on LL Brown Pro. The symbol is a stylised apple branch with a branch, an apple and two leaves, one of which is rising from the branch.
While the monogram signals focus and a highly professional level in a sober fashion, the apple branch harks back to SDU's historical heritage. At the same time, the leaves are pointing up and forward, thus representing SDU's accessibility and international outlook.
SDU's logo is black on all backgrounds, except on a black background where it is white.
SDU's logo may be used for all printed matter, dissertations, theses, etc. that are produced in connection with work, education and research at SDU.
If SDU is a collaboration partner or supplier in connection with products or research projects, it must be stated that it is not SDU who is the sender (in other words, that it is co-branding).
Rules for placement etc. can be found in the design guide.