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Shared Employment

Graphic Center only offers free graphic assistance for SDU employees and SDU projects. If you are in a shared employment between the University of Southern Denmark and the Region of Southern Denmark, the project or unit for which you place the order, must be part of SDU, and an SDU email address should be used in the order.

As a state-supported organization, SDU is not allowed to compete with companies that make a living from selling graphic services. This would distort competition, and the offer of free graphic assistance therefore only applies to SDU. 

Ordering graphic assistance

You order graphic assistance by filling out this order form.
We only accept orders that is for a defined product, agreed upon
and approved for an end user. We do not accept unfinished drafts. 

Timeline for graphic assistance

For smaller tasks, such as designing posters, flyers, roll-ups or postcards,
we need 5 business days. For large tasks, such as designing reports,
books or materials for events e.g "Open House", the order
should arrive approx. 6 weeks before the deadline. 

Expect that we will have a talk about deadline, the  task, time consumption,
scope of the task and partial deliveries as proofreading.


In order to meet all deadlines, there is a limit of 3 proofreading rounds
per task. Texts and images must therefore be finalThis means that the
text must be approved for print by all stakeholders.
The images must be delivered in high resolution if the job is to be printed.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to send an email to

Last Updated 05.07.2024