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Webinar - Information session: DFF Thematic calls 2024

When: April 10th, 2024, at 15:30 – 16:30 PM


What: The Independent Research Fund Denmark has published their thematic notices for 2024. There are 9 different programs divided into 4 general themes: Climate, Well-being and Learning, Health and Health and Well-Being. The calls themselves are available here.

Syddansk Forskerstøtte will hold a webinar (in English) where we will give a brief introduction to the 9 programmes, important requirements for the application, e-grant and the most frequent reasons for rejections of applications from SUND SDU. Subsequently, there will be an opportunity for more detailed questions.


Who: The session is open to anyone interested in applying/supporting applications to the 9 different calls.


Where: Online. Please use the meeting link below, no registration is required.

Klik her for at deltage i mødet

Meeting ID: 363 590 385 419



Presenter: This webinar is organized by the Southern Denmark Research Support Office.


N.B. The webinar is in English.

Last Updated 05.04.2024