Tarec El-Galaly new adjunct professor in hematology
Tarec El-Galaly is Consultant and Clinical Professor of Hematology at the Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital (AaU). In 2017, he was awarded the “National Junior Researcher Award for outstanding research contribution before the age of 40” by the Danish Cancer Society
Tarec El-Galaly is recognized as one of the most active clinical and epidemiological researchers within malignant lymphomas in Denmark. In spite of his rather young age, he has produced more than 100 peer reviewed publications, hereof more than 70 within the last 5 years. The majority of his publications are as first or last author, and several are published in high-impact journals, including 5 articles with first or last authorship in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Tarec El-Galaly has an extensive national and international network, and has since 2021 been a core group member of the EMA Scientific Advisory Group for Oncology/Haematology. For a period in 2020-2021, he was Medical Director and Global Clinical Science Lead at Roche Headquarters, Basel, Switzerland. This provided him with an important network within international pharmaceutical development. He is an experienced supervisor for PhD-students, including international mentorships at the Karolinska Institute and at the Mayo Clinic.
- As adjunct professor at our Hematology Research Unit, Tarec El-Galaly will strengthen our clinical research, particularly within malignant lymphomas, and we will be able to take advantage of his extensive international network and use his experience as research supervisor. Our Hematology department is a partner in the OUH elite research center for cellular immunotherapy in hematological cancer, CITCO, and in this context, Tarec will be a highly valued partner in setting up clinical trials, says head of research, professor Niels Abildgaard.
- We have been collaborating on several projects over the past years. With this affiliation, I expect that we can develop an even closer collaboration on several research projects. I am very impressed with how The Department of Hematology at Odense University Hospital has managed to establish internationally recognized research activities, spanning from epidemiology to cellular therapies and phase 1 trials. I look forward to learning from the experienced researchers at the department and get involved in these activities, says adjunct professor Tarec El-Galaly.
Meet the researcher

Tarec El-Galaly, adjunct professor in hematology. Consultant and Clinical Professor of Hematology at the Department of Hematology, Aalborg University Hospital (AaU)