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Online Open House for potential international students
More than 730 potential international SDU students visited the Online Open Day when the event was held for the first time on 16 January from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Visitors could choose between nine different Zoom rooms
Each faculty had its own room, where the visitors could meet and chat with two students who talked about their education programmes, life as a student at SDU and what it is like to come to Denmark as an international student.
Employees from Admission hosted three Zoom rooms, where visitors could get answers to all their questions about admission to a bachelor or master’s degree programme, and in SDU International’s Zoom room prospective students could hear more generally about what it’s like to move to and study in Denmark.
Would you like to know more?
International students who are interested in studying at SDU can find information at sdu.dk.