About study administration
Ruling or administrative decision?
The signpost tree assists the case manager with making an assessment
Caseworkers must regularly assess whether a given case or enquiry should be decided administratively or in accordance with the Public Administration Act. To help assess precisely that, the signpost tree is now available via the collection of educational law regulations.
The terms ‘ruling’ and ‘decision’
In the signpost tree, the terms ‘ruling’ and ‘decision’ are used to distinguish between the two types of responses that will conclude a case or enquiry:
- ‘Ruling’ means that an answer is given in accordance with the rules in the Public Administration Act that apply to decisions, including that the decision contains a guide for appealing against the decision.
- ‘Decision’ means that an administrative response is given within the framework of actual public services.
How to use the signpost tree?
The rules and regulations include the document ‘Description of the use of the signpost tree incl. examples’, which describes the use of the tree and examples of case types and points of attention in general.
Would you like to know more?
Find the signpost tree and the description in the collection of educational law regulations on the service page about teaching on SDUnet (in Danish).
Contact the Unit for Education Law at uddannelsesjura@sdu.dk.