About summer school
Two enriching weeks for all involved
How the SDU International Summer School went
This year’s International Summer School took place in the first half of August as usual. It was a great pleasure to welcome students again this year.
Participants from 44 countries and courses on two campuses
In total, more than 200 international students, 12 students from other Danish universities and 400 SDU students participated. The vast majority participated in the 21 courses offered at SDU Odense by the faculties of HUM, NAT, SAMF and TEK. This time, two courses were offered and held at SDU Sønderborg, which is why the campus was visited by three times as many students as last year. The participants hailed from 44 countries, both near and far. This year’s top scorer was Germany, but Italy, Switzerland and South Korea were also major suppliers of participants.
Strong bonds were forged
During the two weeks, our ‘social guides’ provided a variety of social activities. These included ‘Speed Friending’, Quiz Night, Board Game Night, Karaoke Night and a full-day weekend excursion to Egeskov Castle or the Dybbøl History Centre the surrounding area. At the farewell reception on Friday 18 August, it was clear the students had formed strong bonds during the two weeks, and many were far from ready to end their stay. It is quite possible they will return to SDU later during their studies.
Each course concluded with an exam on the last day or with a subsequent assignment, and participants were able to go home with 5 ECTS and having made new friends from all over the world.
Would you like to know more?
Learn more about this year’s summer school at sdu.dk. For additional information, please write to summerschool@sdu.dk.