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About quality policy

This is it: You, colleagues and students have until 10 June to comment on the proposal for a new policy for education quality

This is a matter of nothing less than the foundation for SDU's programmes and the foundation for your work

By SDU Student Services, , 5/17/2024

The project ‘Revision of SDU's quality system’ has now reached a key milestone: 

The proposal for a revised quality policy has been sent for written consultation within the organisation.

Three reasons why you should take the time to read the consultation material

  1. The quality policy describes SDU’s values, goals and standards for all parts of the student’s journey through their programme: What goals do we set for, say, the start of studies, pedagogy, emphasis on research or guidance services? And how do we go about developing and following up on these goals
  2. The quality policy must be perceived as meaningful for those who work to ensure that SDU can deliver education and teaching.
  3. The quality policy needs you, because you will be putting it into practice – and you need the quality policy because it is the foundation for your work.

Where can you find more info?

Employees can find the consultation material on the project’s webpage on SDUnet or directly via the article ‘New education quality policy goes out for consultation’, also available on SDUnet.

For students, a notice has been published on the study pages at MitSDU, and the article ‘New education quality policy goes out for consultation’ has been published. And finally, feel free to spread the word by informing your students about the consultation and their opportunity to submit comments.

Editing was completed: 17.05.2024