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About education quality

E-learning course about the quality system

The introduction to elected members of councils, boards and committees must be updated after a new policy and follow-up process for educational quality has been adopted.

By Caroline Schaffalitzky, Project Manager, 1/21/2025

In the revision project (opens in a new tab), we are currently working behind the scenes to design a completely new e-learning course that can introduce members of councils, boards and committees to the quality system at SDU. The course takes the form of a module on itslearning, and it will contain a number of elements that will be rolled out continuously throughout the spring of 2025.

Introductory videos: Why, what, how and who?

An important element will be four short videos that introduce the following: 

  • Why: About the purpose of the quality system
  • What: About the goals of the educational quality policy
  • How: About how we work with the goals
  • Who: About how the work is organised and who is responsible for what

The videos will also be available on SDUnet as a quick overview for all interested parties.

References to key resources

The e-learning course will also point to the resources that one needs to be aware of when working with educational quality. At the core is the quality system’s web universe, including the quality policy for education programmes, as well as descriptions of follow-up processes and the organisation of the work. Additionally, the e-learning course will include references to, for example, SDU’s principles for student participation in the work on educational quality and to recommendations for collaboration with advisory boards.

Examples and cases

Throughout the spring of 2025, the e-learning course will be supplemented with cases and examples that can inform and inspire the work on educational quality in councils, boards and committees. These cases and examples may include descriptions of dilemmas one might encounter at work (and ways to handle them), examples of how to go about it if one wants to change something in a course or an exam, or advice on good collaboration.

Would you like to know more?

See the web universe for the quality system (opens in a new tab), which is currently under construction on SDUnet.

Editing was completed: 21.01.2025